Friday, Mar 14th

Funeral Held for Tommaso DellaSala, Manager of Moscato's

TommasoTommaso and Ilbeka with their children Gerardo and GiadaScarsdale lost a friend and familiar face last week when Tommaso DellaSala, the manager of the popular restaurant Moscato’s passed away at age 50 after a valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. He received the diagnosis in September of this year and died a short three months later. He leaves his wife Ilbeka and two children Gerardo and Giada.

Tommasso worked at the restaurant for almost two decades where he warmly greeted diners nightly. A funeral for Tommasso was held at Sacred Heart Church in Hartsdale on Monday December 16 at 10 am.

A Go Fund Me campaign was set up to help with his medical expenses and to support his family. Tommasso’s wife Ilbeka will receive all funds directly. Contribute here to help: