Friday, Mar 14th

Scarsdale Adult School Offers Something for Everyone

altThe Scarsdale Adult School has announced their class offerings for the 2010 summer season. There are a series of classes for college-aged young adults as well as a separate array of courses open to all adults.

Life Skills for College Students and Recent Graduates teaches young adults, 16+ years old how to manage living on their own. Subjects include Advocating for Yourself and Promoting Healthy Relationships, Auto Maintenance and Safe Driving Techniques, Managing Your Money, and Cooking 101 and Eating Healthfully.

The Adult School is offering many exercise classes, including Golf Level I and II, Body Sculpting, Gentle Yoga, and Tai Chi. Additionally, art classes include Art to Wear: Jewelry Beading and Painting With Pastels.

The school will continue their Italian speaking class this summer with Intermediate-Advanced Conversation and Grammar all' aperto. The class will consist of immersion in italian literature, culture, current events, conversation, and grammatical instruction.

To register, or for information on all course offerings, visit Questions? Call 723-2325.