Friday, Mar 14th

Ken Mazer for Village Trustee

KenMazer2These letters from Schulyler Carroll and Michael Suzman support Ken Mazer for Village Trustee.
It is my pleasure to write this letter in support of Ken Mazer’s candidacy for Village Trustee. I have known Ken for nearly 20 years and I can say without hesitancy that he is an excellent choice for Village Trustee. Ken will work tirelessly to improve our community in meaningful ways.

Among his many talents, Ken is a great questioner and listener. He is truly interested in learning about others, hearing their viewpoints and concerns. He enjoys understanding what issues trouble his friends and colleagues and developing solutions to make the community better. More importantly, Ken’s instincts are always to think of how he can improve the entire community for the benefit of all, not just how he can make things better for himself.

Ken has lived in Scarsdale for more than 25 years. He has been a member of the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Department for 22 years. Ken served as a Lieutenant for 12 years and was elected President for 8 years. Ken has also devoted a great deal of time and energy to other community service. Among other things, Ken has been Chairman of a grant-making foundation at UJA-Federation of New York that funds programs to address numerous issues, including food insecurity, women’s empowerment and social justice. Ken also served on the board of several important non-profits, including the Bronx Lab School, an innovative public high school serving an underprivileged population and the New York Association of New Americans which provides one-stop services for refugees.

Ken also has a unique perspective on our schools, village taxes and the impact they have on our community and home values — having raised his son in Scarsdale, who now has graduated college and has begun a career, while also having two younger daughters in elementary and middle school. Ken’s circle of friends includes both residents with children in school and those whose children have graduated - and Ken listens to and can understand the viewpoints of both. Please vote for Ken on Tuesday March 15 as he will be a great benefit to our community.

Schuyler Carroll

Ken Mazer is a longtime Scarsdale neighbor and friend, so I was very very happy to learn that our Citizens’ Nominating Committee has selected Ken as a candidate for the Scarsdale Village Board. I cannot think of a better suited resident to represent all of us. Ken is level-headed, inquisitive, respectful of everyone he comes across and a great listener. It is these qualities that will make him an effective Village leader, and he will represent you well, no matter your personal beliefs or background.

I could sum up Ken by saying that he would run into a burning building for you. Literally. He has been a Scarsdale Volunteer Firefighter for 22 years, where he rose to lieutenant then was elected President of Company #2 by his peers. If this were his only accomplishment, I would say it is more than sufficient dedication to our Village to drive all of us to the polls to vote in support of Ken. This willingness to serve all of us, for the safety and well-being of our Village, speaks volumes about Ken.

With so many accomplishments, Ken still carries himself with kindness and modesty. You could be his friend for years and never quite know the extent of his volunteer efforts on behalf of education, hunger, domestic violence and refugees.

Having had a son who graduated from Scarsdale High School and children now in the Elementary and the Middle schools, Ken has broad exposure to life in the Village among many different constituents.

As someone who founded his own business and led it to success, you can be sure he will oversee the important fiscal decisions that face Scarsdale with diligence. For those of us who want to see Scarsdale thrive as one of the most desirable communities in the country for yet another generation, we would be well served to take the time to vote and go and support Ken Mazer.


Michael Suzman, MD

(Photo Credit: Mark Jessamy)