Thursday, Mar 20th

Maroon and White Lauds 2024 Student Athletes

Awards 6Moira Crouch presents Joe DeCrescenzo with a cake and a plaque.Diligent student-athletes, who frequently balance six days of practice and games with rigorous academic work loads, other extracurricular activities, time with friends and family, volunteer work, and so much more, often don’t get the credit they deserve. Many SHS athletes participate in a sport all year round and their dedication to their teams can have them missing holidays, vacations with family, and sometimes even days of school. This sort of effort and commitment deserves to be recognized and thankfully Maroon and White, the parent booster association that supports athletics, physical education, and student health at Scarsdale High School and Scarsdale Middle School, celebrates these students with a BBQ and a thoughtful award ceremony at the end of each year.

At this year’s ceremony, on Tuesday June 4th, athletes (with a special focus on seniors) were honored not just for their athletic achievements, but also for their character, sportsmanship, and perseverance. Director of Athletics, Ray Pappalardi welcomed all of the athletes and applauded them for excelling in their “academic and athletic pursuits, surviving the game changes, late buses, long practices, and other challenges that only come from participation in interscholastic athletics.”

Mr. Pappalardi also proudly explained that, “This year, every team [at SHS] has met the NYSPHSAA criteria for scholar-athlete teams. So, Scarsdale High School will be recognized as School of Distinction for 100% of our teams achieving Scholar-Athlete status.”

Timberger Award               Timberger Family Presents the Elizabeth Timberger Memorial AwardThe Elizabeth Timberger Memorial Award was the first award of the evening and was described by Amy Frank, co-president of Maroon and White, as an award that honors an outstanding senior who helps a team and/or the athletic program, not as a student-athlete, but through a role that supports a team and/or the athletic department (such as a manager, statistician, audio-visual assistant, play-by-play person, mascot, or sportswriter). This year’s recipient, manager of the Boys Varsity Basketball Team, Charlie Ferdman, is known for, “always being on time, attending all the practices and games, she was dedicated, energetic and always positive.”

Next, the Nina Mooney Award was presented to a senior female athlete who “displays commitment, enthusiasm, spirit, concern for others and a positive work ethic. The nominees reflect the highest level of dedication to their teams and sports, and the award does not have an academic requirement.” This year’s winner, Shannon Kelly, is described as being thoughtful and compassionate and exemplifies the true meaning of the Nina Mooney award. In addition to going above and beyond in support of her teammates, Shannon was named Honorable mention all-Section in Field Hockey, has set new school records in the girls 800 meter and girls 4x800, and won Nationals with some of her teammates in a Medley Relay. She was captain of the Winter and Spring Track & Field this year. She is not only an outstanding athlete, but also a conscientious, hardworking student. This year’s award winner will be continuing her track career in the Fall at The College of the Holy Cross.

Knopp AwardTrevor Knopp received the Knopp award.The Nonie Knopp Memorial Award was then presented to a senior male athlete who displays commitment, enthusiasm, spirit, concern for others and a positive work ethic. The nominees reflect the highest level of dedication to their teams and sports, and the award does not have an academic requirement. This year’s recipient, Trevor Knopp was described by his coaches as someone who, “displays the positive attitude, dedication, devotion, enthusiasm, and spirit of Nonie Knopp. He is the kind of student-athlete coaches dream about. He works hard in practice, never takes a play off, mentors teammates, and brings out the best in others.”

One coach described this year’s winner as “one of the absolute toughest players and fiercest competitors we have had the pleasure of coaching at Scarsdale. He pushes himself and his teammates every single day. His work ethic drove him to greatness, and forced others to step up their game. He is a vocal leader and a player that leads by example. Where it’s in practice or at games, in any situation you know you can count on him in big moments throughout the season. “He sets the tone.”

PeppersAwardIvy Boockvar received the Peppers AwardThe Peppers Award was established as a leadership and spirit award for one female and one male senior athlete, who distinguished themselves through their dedication and hard work in games and practice, through their unselfish adherence to sportsmanship and team play, and through their active encouragement of all team members.

The recipients of this award are also required to achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.5, as measured by the most recent grades available at the time the selection is made.

This year’s female winner of the Pepper’s Award, Ivy Boockvar is not only a member of the high school’s Signifer Honor Society, but she also played three sports and volunteered her time to help mentor young girls as a coaches assistant. She was named All Section, All League twice and All Section Honorable Mention for Soccer. She was named All League and All League - Honorable Mention for Basketball and was All Section and All League twice and Player of the Year for Flag Football and is described as “being a selfless player and is respected by her teammates and brilliantly passionate.”

Siegel Award Max Siegel received the Peppers Award Max Siegel, the male recipient of the Pepper’s Award, had an incredible athletic career at Scarsdale High School and an impresseive academic record. “His coaches have seen him as a back up, as injured, and as a starter, and he embraces whatever role is needed for the team, whether that means filling up water during a time out, cheering from the bench, or uplifting a teammate who made a mistake. His switch from playing ice hockey forward to ice hockey goalie to meet the team’s needs and keep playing best exemplifies his dedication, flexibility, character and team mentality.” He was named All-League two years, All Section one year and Captain of Boys Ice-Hockey this year. He played football and was awarded All-League last year and All-Section first teams this year as well as Captain of the Football Team. 

GirlsTennisThe girls tennis team won the state championship.Amy and her co-president Moira Crouch Bandsma, went on to congratulate teams and individuals that saw success at sectional, regional, and state championships, drawing special attention to the girl’s tennis team who won their second consecutive State Championship title. The team included: Coach Jennifer Roane, Carly Alin,Kay Cottrell, Charlene Dong, Emma Ha, Emily Hyman, Katie Kendall, Isabel Lin, Giana Marks, Natasha Pereira - Captain, Jalyn Ryu, Yelena Sahakyan - Captain, Maya Vora - Captain, Sophia Wu.

boyssoccerBoys Soccer TeamThe boys soccer team was also celebrated for their State Championship win. Their team included:
Head Coach Marcos Monteagudo, Assistant Coach Andrew Nagel, Assistant Coach Carlos Vasquez, Assistant Coach Peter Squiteirri, Jose Alava Marino, Nicholas Bates, Daniel Cisneros Lacruz, Federico Dager, Matan Davies, Alexander Duval - Captain, Lorenzo Galeano, Zachary Grossberg, Marc Hajjar, Chase Halpern, Ishaan Joshi, Lucas Kantor - Captain, Leo Khang, Fabian Kulle, Justin Laing, Janghee Lee, Logan Lim, Brian Lourenco-ReisHenry McAllister - Captain, William McAllister, Miles Newman, William Nicholl, Zachary Ruback - Captain, Santiago Rudloff, Shaay Shaleh, Yosuke Sato, Lev Stahl, Caden Zemachson, Zephyr Connolly - Manager, Thomas Kronenberg - Manager

Girls GolfThe girls golf team also saw success at the sectional and state level with Junior Emma Lee snagging second place at the 2024 NYSPHSAA Girls Golf Championship and the Scarsdale Team topping the high school leaderboard!
Girls’ Golf Roster:

Head Coach Barney Foltman, Evelyn Black, Sophia Black, Liya Chu, Maya Dhiman, Chloe Ji, Allison Kahn, Carolyn Lee, Elle Lee, Emma Lee, Sophia Peyser, Anjali Shoetz, Rory Winston, Zoe Winston.

Kevin Jiang was recognized for his swimming success and winning the Section Championship in the 50 Freestyle race and the NYSPHSAA & Federation Champion in the 100 Freestyle.

Indoor Track & Field teams and individuals were congratulated for their wins at sectionals. Section Champions include:
Leia Patel 600m
Zoe Dichter 1000m
Lily Streicher 3000m
4x200 (Maria Roberts, Leia Patel, Eva Gibney, & Ari Sobel)
4x400 (Alice Nicassio, Shannon Kelly, Morgan Greco, & Zoe Dichter)
4x800 (Rachel Rakower, Cami Culang, Lexie Kiley, & Sydney Geringer)

And at the New Balance National Indoor Track & Field Championships, Shannon Kelly (800), Leia, Patel (400), Maria Roberts (200), & Ari Sobel (200) were named National Champions in the Sprint Medley Relay!

Thomas Iasiello was honored for his success in wrestling as he was named Sectional Champion!

The Boys’ Golf team was celebrated for their Section One Championship win. And it seems this win comes on the heels of success in 2017, '18, '19 (not held '20), '21, '23, and '24! Their team included: Justin, Reece, Leo, Cole, Thomas and Sajiv

Awards 1                                                         Sam Saeed and Jack Reis

In Boys’ Tennis, the Doubles Team, Sam Saeed and Jack Reis made it to the final round at the State Championship!

Awards 2                                                             Track Sectional ChampionsTrack & Field Individual Sectional Champions included:
1600 M - Rishi Shadaksharappa
4x800M - Tyler Hogan, Brandon Cascade, Jack Sherman, & Charlie Rich
800 M - Shannon Kelly
2K Steeplechase - Rachel Rakower
4x400 M - Ari Sobel, Leia Patel, Zoe Dichter, & Shannon Kelly

After recognizing these special accomplishments at the sectional, regional, and state level, Mr. Pappalardi took time to salute the 22 seniors who are going on to compete in a sport at the highly selective, collegiate level. These athletes include:

1. Adelia Bandsma - Lacrosse - Smith College
2. Zephyr Connolly - Basketball - Geneseo
3. Veeran Dhaliwal - Crew - Cornell University
4. Samantha Fenigstein - Softball - Union College
5. Nina Franco - Lacrosse - Fairfield University
6. Mili Fukada - Track & Field - Soka University of America
7. Jacob Goldstein - Lacrosse - Hamilton College
8. Matthew Hill - Wrestling - New York University
9. Kevin Jiang - Swimming - University of Pennsylvania
10. Sabrina Katz - Lacrosse - Wesleyan University
11. Shannon Kelly - Track & Field -The College of the Holy Cross
12. Trevor Knopp - Lacrosse - Ithaca College
13. Bryan Manheimer - Swimming - New York University
14. Skylar Matusz - Lacrosse - Gettysburg College
15. Parker Mauro - Field Hockey - Wesleyan College
16. Joseph Sharpe III - Volleyball - Queens University of Charlotte
17. Elahe Sherrell - Soccer - University of St. Andrews
18. Maxine Silverman - Lacrosse - Lehigh University
19. Ariella Sobell - Track & Field - Kenyon College
20. Daruis Toosi - Track & Field - Bates College
21. Alina Zhang - Fencing - Yale University
22. Ian Zhou - Crew - Colby College

Awards 4                                                           Iron Athlete Award RecipientsMoving on to announce the last awards, Pappalardi first described that the Iron Athlete Award is given in recognition of interscholastic athletic participation in grades nine through twelve, for every season at Scarsdale High School, totaling twelve consecutive seasons. Athletes honored for this accomplishment included:
Sidonie DeHarveng, Emilia Gomez, Shannon Kelly, and William (Oscar Langford).

JoeJoe De Crescenzo, who is retiring this year, was recognized for his service and contributions.And in a special Iron Athlete award presentation, Joe De Crescenzo, who is retiring at the end of this school year was recognized for his “service and tireless efforts providing countless student-athletes with opportunities to participate in interscholastic athletics. Your commitment to our students, coaches, and staff has built a strong foundation for our programs and your legacy will continue to serve all involved for years to come.”

After a brief speech, De Crescenzo went on to present the The Scarsdale High School Scholar Athlete Honor Society Award and explained that it was started in the name of Grant Geiger in 1969 and is presented to top senior athletes who exemplifies:

● Dedication to their sport
● Competitive spirit
● Performance on and off the field of play
● Performance in the classroom, GPA of 3.5 or higher
● Positive attitude
● Citizenship
● Sportsmanship

Awards 7Jack Greco Jr and Abby Feuerstein won the Scholar Athlete Honor Society awards.
The winners of this year’s awards were Jack Greco Jr and Abby Feuerstein.

Ray                                                                 Ray Pappalardi In detailing the Scarsdale Raider Award, the last award of the evening, Pappalardi said, “A Scarsdale Raider will possess the attitude, work ethic, resilience, and leadership qualities to change the outcome of a game, culture of their team, or quality of a season by their presence. A Scarsdale Raider is a student‐athlete that any coach would desire on their team and whose positive contribution to the greater athletic program can be felt through their own athletic contributions as well as the contributions of others whom they have influenced. I need to add that this award was created eight years ago to acknowledge the contributions of those student-athletes who, typically, do not have the stats or receive traditional recognition such as All-League, All-Section or even MVP. Instead, this award recognizes all-heart, all-hustle, all-effort, and always there when you need them.” This year’s recipients of the Raider Award were William Oscar Langford and Emilia Gomez.

Boys Golf TeamThe Boys Golf team included: Justin Liu, Reece Schneider, Leo Chu, Cole Gerson, Thomas Kronenberg and Sajiv Mehta.

Flag Football team

In their inaugural year, the Girl’s Flag Football team had a lot to be proud of! The team not only won sectional and regional championships, but they were also NYSPHSAA Division 1 finalists. The Flag Football team included: Coach Newkirk, Mindy Genovese, Talia Arovas, Gianna Asen, Ivy Bookvar, Leah Brown, Sophia Cortes Nieto, Avery Dickstein, Naomi Fischer, Drew Frank, Emilia Gomez, Zachary Grossberg, Danielle Horn, Kate Kattan, Addison Lazarus, Reese Newman, Chloe Paquin, Katerina Rvacheva, Yuri Sato, Brady Silberfein, Sekana Slivjanovski, Lilly Tessler, Stella Van Arsdale.