Scarsdale Little League Says Play Ball
- Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:58
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:58
- Published: Tuesday, 04 February 2014 09:58
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 5823
It's hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner and that Scarsdale Little League is gearing up for another exciting season. Register your Kindergarten through 8th grade children now at Registration is open through February 28th.
The spring season will feature many activities on and off the field, including:
- Skills clinics run by former Major League Baseball players from New York Nine
- Scarsdale Little League day at a New York Major League game
- Scarsdale Little League day at a Rockland Boulders game
As a reminder, Kindergarten through 2nd grade teams are organized by elementary school; 3rd and 4th grade teams combine players from all five elementary schools; 5th and 6th graders can choose to participate in the Pacific League or try out for the Atlantic League; and 7th and 8th graders will participate in the Junior League.
As in the past, 5th through 8th graders can try out for Scarsdale travel teams that play in the Westchester Baseball Association. Tryouts for the Atlantic League (5th and 6th grades) and all travel teams (5th through 8th grades) will be held on Sunday, March 9th from 4:00 to 9:00 PM and Sunday, March 16th from 4:00 to 9:00 PM at the Underdome in Mount Vernon. Additional tryout details are available on and will be sent out to the players who register to try out.
On the business side, the League is happy to report that registration fees remain the same as last year. There is, however, a new $15 charge that passes along a per participant fee that the Village has imposed for the first time.
Scarsdale Little League is always looking for parent volunteers to coach and manage teams as well as grade coordinators. If you are interested in volunteering, please let the league know through the registration process. It's especially important for Kindergarten parents to express their interest so that the roster of prospective volunteers can be continuously strengthened.
So it's time to mark down April 26th as Little League Opening Day, get those registrations in and grab your caps and gloves. We look forward to seeing everyone on the field.
This post was sponsored by the Scarsdale Little League.