PTC Legislation Committee Urges you to Act Now
- Friday, 27 March 2015 11:46
- Last Updated: Friday, 27 March 2015 15:43
- Published: Friday, 27 March 2015 11:46
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4623
This letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 from Diane Greenwald of the Scarsdale PTC Legislation Committee:
We urge Scarsdale to get involved TODAY to insist the New York State Legislature reject Governor Cuomo's misguided agenda for our public schools.
Superintendent, Dr. Hagerman, explains the issues clearly in a recent community outreach:
Governor Cuomo's proposed budget and 2015 Opportunity Agenda have been coupled with reforms that could significantly impact our District and those across the State. Some of the more worrisome reforms include the following:
(a) Linking the Governor's reforms to State Aid. In his words, "no reforms, no increases;"
(b) Increasing the weight of state test scores for teacher and principal evaluations to 50% of the score; using outside, independent evaluators to observe teachers 35% and building supervisors only 15%;
(c) Reducing the amount of teacher professional development from 175 to 100 hours over five years;
(d) Raising the charter school cap by 100 and providing state aid similar to public schools;
(e) Ending the STAR property tax exemption and making the tax cap permanent;
(f) Requiring bond votes to occur at the same time as school budget votes.
Scarsdale's PTC and STA have joined together with a response to Governor Cuomo's proposed budget and educational policies:
Governor Cuomo's one-size-fits-all proposals assume our schools are failing Scarsdale's students. Further, the Governor's proposed approach will add expense and diminish the community's control over our schools.
We assert that the Scarsdale school district is not broken. Like so many other communities across New York State, we value the decision-making role of local school districts in our public education system, and this district should not be penalized for choices made in the best interest of our students. (see the statement below)
Action Now
We can stand united with many in Scarsdale and join voices with millions across New York against a 'reform' agenda that will not serve our students. We urge you to sign the below petitions:
REJECT Governor Cuomo's demand that would link school aid increases to destructive teacher evaluation reforms:
DEMAND that the NYS Legislature and the Board of Regents stop the anti-public school agenda of the Governor and Chancellor.
Protect Pubic Schools
Take Action Now!
Diane Greenwald and Lisa Eisenstein, Co-Chairs, PTC Legislation Committee
(Statement from the PTC Legislation Committee)
Maintain Local Control For Scarsdale Schools • One Size Does Not Fit All
The Scarsdale Parent Teacher Council (PTC) and Scarsdale Teachers Association (STA)
present this joint response to Governor Cuomo's proposed budget and educational policy plans
Governor Cuomo's one-size-fits-all proposals assume our schools are failing Scarsdale's students. Further, the Governor's proposed approach will add expense and diminish the community's control over our schools.
We assert that the Scarsdale school district is not broken. Like so many other communities across New York State, we value the decision-making role of local school districts in our public education system, and this district should not be penalized for choices made in the best interest of our students.
Scarsdale School District is committed to useful assessment as tools for on-going student learning and curriculum improvement. We are concerned that state-mandated high-stakes assessments undermine our community's authority over our schools and unnecessarily stress our students. We want standardized assessments to serve their original purpose, as measures of educational attainment and the effectiveness of the school community as a whole. Tests should be diagnostic, as a means to providing feedback, and not be punitive or unduly stressful.
The flawed State teacher review system (APPR) has consequences for students and teachers that can no longer be ignored. The existing local partnership of the Board of Education, its administrators, and the faculty are best positioned to provide the necessary oversight of this district's instruction. This community's Board of Education employs a professional staff able to develop curriculum and a system of assessment required to provide students with a world-class education. We know this is best achieved when the district's faculty and administrators work collaboratively as a means to encourage educational innovation and creativity. The educational community of Scarsdale is committed to constant reflection and improvement and we do not welcome intrusive policies that create divisive competition and undermine morale.
We believe our Legislators must demand that Governor Cuomo disconnect his educational "reforms" from the passage of the State budget. The link between State Aid and an educational reform agenda is unprecedented and coercive. Governor Cuomo should provide the financial data and ultimately the funding needed by local school boards to establish their budgets.
Scarsdale urges the Legislature to consider our positions on these proposed "reforms." We stand united in preserving and promoting the existing excellence provided through a Scarsdale education.
Submitted by,
Pamela Fuehrer, PTC President
David Wixted, President, STA