Girl Scouts Warm the Hearts of Seniors in White Plains
- Monday, 20 April 2015 16:22
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 15:35
- Published: Monday, 20 April 2015 16:22
- Girl Scout Troop 1579
- Hits: 5968
On a recent afternoon, the Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Troop 1579, sang to the residents of The Kensington, an assisted living residence in White Plains. They performed Girl Scout songs they had been practicing for weeks, and presented flowers and talked to the senior citizens after the concert.
The troop sang songs such as "G for Generosity", which had a phrase for each letter of "Girl Scouts"; "Make New Friends" in a four-part round; "I Love the Mountains", with a catchy, upbeat tune; "On My Honor" with a slow melody; "Down by the Bay", which was a crowd favorite; and "Legs are Moving", a Girl Scout cookie selling version of Megan Trainor's "Lips are Moving". The music helped connect the two generations and the audience really appreciated the concert. Some senior citizens remembered when they were Girl Scouts or Troop Leaders.
The scouts wish to thank "music teacher" Mrs. Meili, a volunteer troop mother, who chose the songs, choreographed the dance moves and coached the girls through hours of practice to bring joy to their audience. They also want to thank Mrs. Hosseinbukus, Troop Leader, who made the arrangements and supported the girls with practice sessions in her home. The girls learned a lot from the singing excursion and everyone had a great day.
Photo credit: Diane Gurden