Thursday, Mar 20th

Help This Woman Find an Old Friend

phonebookWe received this note from a California woman who is looking for an old friend, who she believes lives in Scarsdale. See if you can help her out:

Hello: I'm contacting you from California. I'm trying to locate an old boyfriend from the 1960's. His name is Leon Duftler. He would be in his mid-eighties now. He lived in Manhattan when I dated him and a search online showed a man about the right age living in Scarsdale. Have you any idea how I might locate him? I sent a letter with no street address - just the city - and it was returned. His family was religious - he had been married and had a daughter, but was divorced several years later.

That's all I know about him. If you can help me locate him, I would very much appreciate it. I will be in Manhattan in September with my daughter and would love to see him again after all these years. We had originally met at a dude ranch in the Catskills named Sunnycroft Ponderosa but it has ceased to exist.

Thank you.
Rosalie Gottfried
[email protected]