Friday, Mar 21st

Envirofill Provides Corrections on Turf Article

FieldRenderingScarsdale10583 received the following correction from Mackenzie Austin of USGreentech regarding our previous article about the properties of coated sand infill that is used in sythetic turf:

Here is what she wrote:

Envirofill 11.“Has a strong odor”
Envirofill is odorless and is also infused with Microban technology which is an antimicrobial that inhibits the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew that can cause odors. We would be happy to send you a sample to “sniff it out” for yourself.

2. “Sand may compact”
While this may be true of angular sands like you find at the beach or a sand box, Envirofill is different. It’s core is made from a unique sand that is mined in Texas and is some of the roundest sand in the world. I have a attached a few close up photos of the product so you can see for yourself.

3. “Coated sand must be taken to a landfill”
As a company, we are dedicated to sustainability and that is one of the main factors we consider when developing and promoting products. Envirofill is able to be used for two turf lifecycles and has a 16 year warranty. We’re confident the durability will last even longer than 16 years, but once the product needs removed, we are able to take back the Envirofill and reclaim it to use it again. This means it should never end up in a landfill. We have a video outlining this feature of our product. This is wonderful for the environment but can also help field owner’s save on cost over the years. 

USGreentech is the provider of Envirofill, a coated sand infill used in synthetic turf systems and their mission is to: Create Better Turf Systems Together.