The Sun Sets on the Scarsdale High School Class of 2021
- Sunday, 27 June 2021 16:04
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 July 2021 14:49
- Published: Sunday, 27 June 2021 16:04
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 4840
Nothing was business as usual for the Scarsdale High School Class of 2021, including their graduation, which was held on the evening of June 24th under clear skies on the high school football field. Departing from the traditional morning ceremony on Dean Field, the setting sun over the SHS field was a scenic backdrop for the commencement of over 400 graduates.
You never would have know that this was the first time the school held the ceremony at this newScarsdale School Superintendent Thomas Hagerman with Scarsdale High School Principal, Kenneth Bonamo. venue. Under the direction of Assistant Principal Andrea O’Gorman and the team of deans, the event was flawless. Students formed two lines led by their class advisors Carlos Bedoya and Vincent Licciardello and marched onto the field, accompanied by the high school band. The class looked resplendent in their maroon gowns, and for the first time ever, many had decorated their mortarboards, giving the processional and even more festive air.
Board of Education President Pamela Fuehrer opened the program, acknowledging that the class was “leaving the school in a way never done before.” She said that during her tenure as Board President she has seen an “increase in student voice,” and credited the class with stepping up and making an impact. She said, “This class has shown us that you know how to be good citizens….that you know how to live with people who live differently than you.” She encouraged them to “continue to be curious and explore different things… to be brave and say yes even when you’re not so sure…. so much happens just outside your comfort zone. Go there.
Senior Class VP Anya Kornfeld also noted the unusual year. She said, “This year has been far from traditional. And yet we bent in a way so that we did not break…. We were truly able to make the most of Scarsdale High School. “ She continued, “A principal theme was resilience and the ability to adapt to any situation.” She thanked her teachers who “never shied away from a challenge and helped us each to create our own unique path to success.”
Social Studies Teachers and Class Advisor Carlos Bedoya said, “While it is natural at this time to look back nostalgically at what has been, even to feel a sense of loss, it is important to remember that endings create possibilities for new beginnings. You, the class of 2021, understand most acutely, that all things change.
Vincent Licciadellos said, “As some of you know, I have the great pleasure of teaching physics. And, in my class, one of the first things we address is how our universe is a dynamic one. That is, in our universe, things change. A particle is here and then it is not. It moves at one velocity and then another. It possesses one set of energies and then another. But, it is not just the physical universe that changes.
In this past year, we have all shared in the incommunicable experience of a global pandemic. This experience presented your class with unique challenges, thrusting changes on all of you that were neither expected nor coherent, creating unanswerable questions no classroom activity could solve. We hope that through all of this, you may come to understand that while knowledge is gained through studious-ness, diligence, and focus, wisdom is earned from lived experiences and the quiet navigation of the uncertain.”
“Great change also happens in the social universe. Indeed, we - your faculty, staff, administrators, and caregivers - have watched you all change over the last 4 years. We have seen you become better critical thinkers, as shown by your ability to answer the increasingly complex questions we have posed of you. We have seen you become more adept at helping others, as shown by what you have accomplished through government, clubs, and beyond. And, we have seen you become more resilient, as shown by how you negotiated this most unprecedented of academic years.”
“And now even greater change awaits you. It will be precipitated by confrontation with even more complex questions, by an even greater need to help others, and by even more resilience in the face of adversity to overcome it.”
Bedoya continued, “So to that charge, we are excited to see what changes all of you will bring into the world. As you confront the challenges ahead that your generation must address, you will be faced with many questions. We only ask that you heed the words of the poet Marie Rainer Rilke, who reminds us to “have patience with everything unresolved in your hearts, and try to love the questions themselves. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday, far into the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”
Senior Class Treasurer Emily Aaron introduced class co-presidents Emmet Goldstein and Aaron Wasserman. She said, “These were years marked by drive, grit and flexibility…We have created many new senior traditions. I am proud to be part of this year’s senior class… No task was easy, but our class presidents handled them with ease and grace.”
Goldstein and Wasserman said, “We all knew how challenging this year was but we appreciated it. We realize how much we treasure this year and each other… In the aftermath of the confusion our class came together like never before. We salvaged our senior events and made them feel normal…. We entered school on April 19 … we tore up the floor at Prom… and we performed an awesome senior class play.
We cherished reuniting with our class. We cherished spontaneous conversations before class…. And a botched parking job!
As we look ahead to our adult lives we are prepared in many ways. Our school motto Non Sibi taught us the importance of community. We practiced resilience and not only survived Covid, we thrived. We have proven that we are ready for each of life’s challenges.
In a short period of time we will each go our separate ways but we will stay connected, even when apart.”
SHS Principal Ken Bonamo provided parting words, before School Superintendent Thomas Hagerman certified the graduation and diplomas were distributed.
Bonamo said, “Today is a special day marks the culmination of your childhood education and the beginning of adulthood. We hope we have given all that you need to succeed and we are filled with anticipation of what the future holds.”
“How truly wonderful it is to be together on such a wonderful evening…. Please let us pause to let the beauty of this instant sink in.”
“Sometimes the business of life detracts from what is most important. I urge you to make a healthy balance between time spent with others and time spent with yourself.”
“Scarsdale values active citizenship, civic engagement and respectful debate. Critical thinking, global dependence, a genuine love of learning are the goals that have guided us.”
“As you confront the challenges of our world I hope you will endeavor to make the world a better place. It should be clear that regardless of what side you take of any issue, you will need courage. You will continue to find your voices. You will need to stand up, even to stand out.”
I urge you to build a legacy filled with love. Infuse love into your work, your relationships and your self-regard. You should look at yourself and love what you see … an intelligent, responsible curious person poised to take on the challenges of life.”
With that, Superintendent Thomas Hagerman asked, "Have these seniors met the requirements for high school graduation imposed by the Regents of the State University of New York, the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Education?" He certified them as graduates of Scarsdale High School, bid them to go forth and with that, the distribution of the diplomas began.
Perhaps an evening graduation will be the legacy of this era, as it was a beautiful time of day to celebrate the class.
If you would like to add your photos to our galleries, please email them to [email protected].
Coverage of the Class of 2021 Scarsdale High School Graduation was sponsored by Lisa Weissman and Bela Sheth of Houlihan Lawrence in Scarsdale.