Voter Information for Budget Vote and School Board Election
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3512
The Scarsdale Public Schools remind members of the community about the upcoming Budget Vote and Board Election on Tuesday, May 17. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. at Scarsdale Middle School, 134 Mamaroneck Road, Scarsdale, NY. Budget documents and presentations can be viewed at Information on how to register to vote may be found below and at
Voter Registration Information: Residents are eligible to vote if they meet either of the following criteria:
-Must be registered with the Westchester County Board of Elections to vote in the General Elections; OR
-Must be registered with the Scarsdale Public School District, and have voted in a school election within the past four years.
-Residents meet the Qualifications to Register if they meet the following criteria:
-Must be a citizen of the United States.
-Must be a resident of the Scarsdale Public School District for at least 30 days preceding the election.
-Must be at least 18 years old by the date of the vote/election.
How to Register to Vote: Qualified voters may personally register, for the purpose of voting at all future school elections, with the District Clerk during regular business hours at the office of the District Clerk, 2 Brewster Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583. Please contact the District Clerk at (914) 721-2410 or [email protected] to schedule an appointment. The form must be completed and signed in person.
*Voter registration forms for the May 17, 2022, Budget Vote and Board Elections will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, 2022.
Qualified voters may register to vote with the County Board of Elections by completing an online application with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Anyone who completes an online application or registers by mail will be registered with Westchester County and also considered to be registered to vote in the school district votes. Mailed registration forms must be received by the County Board of Elections in time to be processed by May 17, 2022, the date of the vote.
Applying for Absentee Ballots: Anyone who is registered and will not be in Westchester County for the vote on May 17, 2022, or due to concerns over exposure to Covid-19, may apply for an absentee ballot by submitting the Application for Absentee Ballot form by email to [email protected], or regular mail or in-person to Honore Adams, District Clerk, 2 Brewster Road.
If the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, the voter must return the completed application form in time for it to be received by the Clerk seven days before the vote, Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
If completed application forms are delivered personally, they must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. the day before the vote, Monday, May 16, 2022.
All absentee ballots must be delivered to the Clerk’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the vote, Tuesday, May 17, 2022.
Military Voters: A qualified military voter can personally register to vote using the Military Personal Registration Form. On this form, the military voter can indicate their preference to receive an absentee ballot application by mail, fax, or e-mail. If no preference is noted, or the proper information is not provided for email or fax, the absentee ballot application will be transmitted by mail. The deadline for military personal registration is April 22, 2022.
A military voter can request an absentee ballot using the Military Absentee Ballot Application Form. On this form, military voters can indicate their preference to receive their absentee ballot by mail, fax, or e-mail. If no preference is noted, or the proper information is not provided for email or fax, the absentee ballot will be transmitted by mail. Applications must be received no later than April 22, 2022.
Scholarships Availabe for Scarsdale College Students
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1354
Students who graduated from Scarsdale High School or lived in Scarsdale during their high school years and who have completed their first, second, or third years of college are invited to apply to the Scarsdale Foundation for tuition assistance. For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Foundation awarded need-based grants totaling $139,000 to 31 students attending private and state-supported colleges and universities.
Applications for the 2022-2023 academic year should be submitted online from the Scarsdale Foundation’s website: (click on the College Scholarships link). Completed applications must be submitted by Wednesday, June 1, 2022. Questions should be directed to Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Anne Lyons or B. Kathleen Munguia at: [email protected].
The Foundation welcomes contributions from the community to augment the funds available for distribution each year. Contributions may be donated to a specially earmarked Scholarship Fund of the Scarsdale Foundation, enabling the Foundation to carry on the tradition of helping students in need pursue a college education. Donations may be made online by visiting the Foundation’s website or mailed to the Scarsdale Foundation at P.O. Box 542, Scarsdale, NY 10583.
The Foundation also hosts the Scarsdale Bowl Dinner where Scarsdale individuals are recognized for their volunteer service to the community. The Scarsdale Bowl will be presented to the 2022 recipient on Thursday, April 28 at the Brae Burn Country Club. The 2020 and 2021 Bowl recipients will be honored at the April dinner as well.
For more information regarding the work of the Scarsdale Foundation, please visit its website:
FMA Congratulates Student Artists
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1621
Work by October SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Amy SaxonScarsdale’s got talent, as evidenced in the awarding winning artwork by Scarsdale High School students.
Friends of Music and the Arts congratulates the following SHS student artists whose work was recognized in the 2022 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Competition: See some of their work below.
2022 Scholastic Art and Writing Award WinnersWork by February SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Eve Rich
Joe Dimartino - Multiple Gold and Silver Key Awards
Angela Chiang - Honorable Mention in Painting
Carson Cohen - Honorable Mention in Photography
Jonathan Conway - Honorable Mention in Photography
Catheryn Dundon - Honorable Mention in Fashion Design
Olivia Gao - Honorable Mention in Painting
Work by November SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Livvie Halligan
FMA offers congratulations to the following SHS students whose work has been selected for exhibition.
2022 Katonah Museum of Art Young Artists Show Exhibitors | Feb 6-27, 2022
Eve Rich
Amy SaxonWork by March SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Wubet Jean-Baptiste
Kivrin Wachtel
Raffaella Vogt
Olivia Halligan
Anja Li
Jonathan Wallach
Wubet Jean-Baptiste
Jack Lattman
For show details and exhibit images, click here.
SHS Artists of the Month
September: Rafaella Vogt
October: Amy Saxon
November: Livvie Halligan
December: Olivia Liu
January: Aitana Ibanez Mendoza
February: Eve Rich
March: Wubet Jean-Baptiste
April: Julia Hoffman (2D art) & Ethan Lowey (3D art)
Work from each artist is on display in the high school auditorium lobby for the featured month, and can also be seen here.
For more info about FMA, to volunteer with the newly formed FMA Art Committee, and to support our work, visit or contact [email protected].
Work by April SHS Artist of the Month Julia Hoffman (2D art)
Work by December SHS Artist of the Month Olivia Liu
“Anxiety” by SHS sophomore Olivia Gao. Scholastic Honorable Mention in Painting
Work by September SHS Artist of the Month and Katonah Museum of Art exhibitor Raffaella Vogt
Work by April SHS Artist of the Month Ethan Lowey (3D art)
Work by January SHS Artist of the Month Aitana Ibanez Mendoza
Maroon and White Kicks Off Spring Season
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- Written by Daniel Love
- Hits: 1204
Despite the rain, hundreds of Scarsdale High School student-athletes came out on Wednesday, April 6th to show their Raider spirit. Maroon and White kicked off the spring season with music, complimentary baseball hats and snacks. Athletes from the golf, lacrosse, baseball, tennis, softball, frisbee, crew, flag football and track teams also enjoyed free sandwiches from Giannoni's. Additionally, to help get the school community decked out in Scarsdale swag, Maroon and White set up a pop up shop for Raider merchandise.
According to Riley Iasiello, a junior on the Girls Varsity Lacrosse team, "Having a great organization such as Maroon and White helps to promote a positive and spirited atmosphere for Scarsdale athletics. Having parents bring sandwiches from local businesses brings in support and pride that can boost the morale not just for our teams but for the school environment as a whole."
Maroon and White plans to hold other events during the season for athletes to promote Raider Pride throughout the Scarsdale community.
Children's Author Dan Gutman Explains How to Write Your Story in Nine Simple Steps at the Young Writers' Workshop
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- Written by Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1534
Author Dan Gutman addressed the group in the Greenacres gym.On Saturday, March 26, 2022, Scarsdale held its 27th Annual Young Writers workshop from 9 am to 12 pm at Greenacres Elementary School for 3rd through 5th graders. Second graders also had the option to virtually connect with keynote speaker Dan Gutman for an introduction to the Young Writers’ Workshop.
Dan Gutman, an American author of primarily children’s fiction, began the day’s event by delivering a presentation to the young students over Zoom. Gutman first talked about how he never loved to read as a young child, but soon discovered how fun it could be. He showed the students the variety of books he has published and taught them how to write their own stories in nine simple steps. Gutman read the first chapter of his newest book My Weirder-est School #11: Mrs. Stoker Is a Joker as well, which will be released in June. He concluded his presentation by showing the students a series of his rejection letters to deliver messages of perseverance.
The students then had the option to spend the morning at two workshops, which they selected from a list of seventeen offerings.
From residents like designer Chip Rich and journalist Ines Rodrigues to award-winning authors including Jacqueline Friedland as well as Laura Schaefer, the students had the opportunity to learn about all forms of writing, art, and multimedia. The sessions were scattered around the newly renovated Greenacres—the four-classroom addition, rearrangement of interior spaces, and the renovation of eleven classrooms contributed to the school acting as the perfect space for the event.
In the “Diary of a Bunny: Storytelling Furry Perspective!” Laura Schaefer, the author of The Crumbles Chronicles: Tails of a Nervous Dog and owner of Scattered Books Bookstore, led the students in a postcard story-telling activity. As the students developed their own stories with creative titles and interesting drawings, Schaefer brought around her bunny Pumpkin, who serves as her bookstore's mascot, for the children to pet.
Schaefer brought around her pet bunny Pumpkin to the workshop.
Dan Gutman’s “My Weird Writing Workshop!” allowed the children to collectively craft a story about a mermaid named Kevin who wants to make a robot friend in a robot factory—the students alternated giving suggestions for a character, setting, and a goal and many laughs were had along the way.
Local pop artist Michael Albert allowed the students to dive into the world of art as they crafted collages made from recycled cardboard food boxes while listening to the Beatles. One student even took the opportunity to create a flag of Ukraine with the words “Stop the War” for her project. The students left the “Famous Pop Artist Lead Collage Workshop” with a new art project as well as postcards and bookmarks of Albert’s most famous prints. The elementary school students even learned the craft of commercials with local Creative Director Chip Rich.
The Young Writers’ Workshop proved to be an enjoyable and exciting event yet again for the students, guest participants, and volunteers alike.
Commenting on the event, organizers Jill Casal and Georgina Sforza said, "
Commenting on the event Casal said, “We had 350 students participate this year, in grades 2-5 (grades 3-5 in person, and grade 2, we piloted an "Intro to YWW" session virtually, where the children could watch the keynote with Dan Gutman livestreamed at home, to get a taste of the event before attending next year as third graders!).
It was truly wonderful to see all of the children back together. They reveled in the keynote with Dan Gutman, then moved from classroom to classroom for the various workshops. We thank Sharon Hill and Sharon DeLorenzo for allowing us to use the beautiful new Greenacres space for the event (it was the perfect spot for this event). And we also thank our wonderful community of volunteers -- over 50 parents from all five elementary schools helped the day of the event to make sure the event ran smoothly for the kids. It takes a village, and the village, as always, was present!
Student's in Michael Albert's workshop crafted collages from recycled carboard food boxes.