Thursday, Mar 20th

Letter to the Editor: What is the Future of the Scarsdale Pool?

poolview(The following letter, written by Carrie Moskowitz, was addressed to the Mayor of Scarsdale.)

Dear Mr. Mayor,

We exchanged some email correspondence about this project in the past. At that time, you did not want any input and stated that there would be some unspecified time in the future for that. I haven't heard about any of that since. So, I am sending 3 questions for you and your committee. Hopefully, you will be able to obtain answers.

1) How many, if any, of the members of the committee are current active members of the pool (2024 season, with several visits per week)?

2) How, if at all, have you and the committee determined how to resolve the lifeguard staffing issues that occur every year starting in mid-August? The result of that is limited access to the dive pool, the baby pool, and the intermediate pool.

3) How do you anticipate funding the $35 million that is desired to demolish and replace the existing pool complex? I'm guessing you are aware of the continued reduced resident usage , increased number of private pools, and the general difficulty in funding large municipal projects. As a corollary to that question, what is the plan B if that $35 million cannot be raised?

As you may recall, I am a current and past member of the pool as well as an active user of its facilities. I am also a realist.

Much thanks for your attention to these questions,

Carrie Moskowitz