Thursday, Mar 20th

Healthy Teen Brain Day on April 19 and a New Website and Social Media Presence for DATF

DATF LogoThe Scarsdale Drug and Alcohol Task Force (DATF) will present Healthy Teen Brain Day at the Scarsdale Middle School Auditorium on Thursday, April 19th from 2:45 to 6:00 PM. All students in grades 5 through 12 are encouraged to participate and parents welcome to attend.

A professional docent assisted by DATF high school volunteers will lead students on a tour through a mega inflatable brain. The docent will discuss the effects of alcohol, marijuana, nicotine and other drugs on brain function and mental, physical, cognitive and social health across the lifespan. An Escape the Vape Room, fun table activities, “foggles” substance use simulators, free food, information and a gift will be provided. Food will also be available for purchase to raise funds for a summer development program for DATF youth members.

Clinicians from White Plains Hospital will be present to answer questions and distribute information. The Scarsdale Police Department will be running a prescription drug take-back event. At 4:20 PM, elected officials will be issuing a proclamation citing April 19th as Healthy Teen Brain Day in Scarsdale.inflatablebrain

A more formal program, including classroom curriculum on brain anatomy, function and development, will be presented to all seventh grade students in science classes on April 19th and 20th, with tours of the mega brain focusing on substance use prevention.

This event was made possible through a wide-ranging collaboration among many different sectors of the Scarsdale community; it has received in-kind support from the Middle School and its Science Department, as well as financial support from White Plains Hospital, Scarsdale Parks and Recreation Department, Maroon and White, and Scarsdale Rotary Club. Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Services and the Scarsdale Police Department also provided in-kind support .

The Drug and Alcohol Task Force are also expanding their online presence to reach a larger audience with more timely information about substance use and its effects on youth brain development and health. They believe that social media can present a biased view of substance use, glamorizing it or downplaying risks. Their goal is to be a resource for accurate information in order to redress some of these biases. They also hope to increase the ability of parents to discuss these issues with their children and youth to access and assimilate well researched information in order to make healthy choices to protect themselves now and into their futures.

These online media platforms will be used to communicate with youths, parents, and other interested groups, providing updated information regarding alcohol, marijuana, e-cigarettes and other substances and their health effects and risks.

Addresses for each site are:


Facebook: Scarsdale DrugAlcohol TaskForce

Instagram: DAFT_Scarsdale

Snap Chat: Scarsdale DATF

Twitter: @DATF_Scarsdale

You Tube: Scarsdale Drug & Alcohol Task Force

The Task Force strongly recommends that the community follow the DATF on social media and visit the DATF website in order to stay up-to-date on the latest DATF activities, become better educated about these substances and learn about prevention activities being conducted in Scarsdale.