Thursday, Mar 20th

Summer Fun With Words

School’s out, the heat is on and hopefully you have a few minutes to relax.

Local puzzler Midori Im contributed the Spelling Bee challenge below.

Grab a pencil and papers and see how many words you can find. When you’re done, scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answer key.

Are you a genius? If so, congrats. If not, keep trying!


How many common words of 5 or more letters can you spell using the letters in the hive? Every answer must use the center letter at least once. Letters may be reused in a word. At least one word will use all 7 letters.
Proper names and hyphenated words are not allowed.


Score 1 point for each answer, and 3 points for each word that contains all 7 letters.

Rating: 18= Good, 25 = Excellent, 33 = Genius


















Answers to this week’s spelling bee:

Alert, altar, alter, eater, elevate, larva, larvae, letter, lover, orator, rarer, realer, relate, reveal, re- volt, retell, revel, reveler, revolve, revolver, revote, rotate, rotator, rover, taller, tartar, tartare, tartlet, tolerate, travel, traveler, troll, trove, valor, voter.

3-Pointer: elevator

If you found other legitimate dictionary words in the beehive, feel free to include them in your score.

Also share any additional words you find in the comments section below or email us at [email protected].