Thursday, Mar 20th

Scouts Make Cookie Jars for Midnight Run and the Pediatric Cancer Foundation

cookiesjar148 jars ready for purchase. Photo Credit Jason EisenbergOn Saturday December 7th, Scarsdale Cub Scout Pack 440 met at Hitchcock Church, to make cookies in a jar to be sold to benefit the Pediatric Cancer Foundation and St. Pius X Youth Group for Midnight Run.
cookieleeBrett and Kevin Lee showing scouts proper whisking technique.

Midnight Run ( is a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground for the housed and the homeless.  Midnight Run coordinates over 1,000 relief missions per year, in which volunteers from churches, synagogues, schools and other civic groups distribute food, clothing, blankets and personal care items to the homeless poor on the streets of New York City. The late-night relief efforts create a forum for trust, sharing, understanding and affection. That human exchange, rather than the exchange of goods, is the essence of the Midnight Run mission.

Information about Pack 440 can be found at

Reporting and photos by Midori Im.


cookiebillBill Weisenbach and grandson Wyatt are all smiles about the service project.

cookiebenTiger Ben Kroloff with his finished product.

cookiewhyteMidnight Run volunteer Rudy Whyte tells scouts about the organization and the needs it works to address.