Thursday, Mar 20th

Call of the Wild

Fierce Bunny MChayes 149 copyFierce Bunny by Michael ChayesWe asked for photos of the wildlife that abounds in Scarsdale and you answered. It’s amazing what residents are finding in their own backyards, on the streets and in the parks of the Village.

Hawks abound, and though many are calling them red tailed hawks, Zachary Jacobs said they are actually Rough Legged Hawks that live in Fox Meadow and are not usually here in the summer. See his photo below along with a hawk that Nancy Adler found on her balcony on Park Road and another spotted by Andrew Sereysky in Greenacres.

Photographer Michael Chayes captured a chipmunk, a goldfinch and this fierce bunny, one scary guy.

And Marjorie Engel forwarded a photo of an egret she spotted in the brook behind the high school.

On the scarier side, see below for a fox on Stratton Road, captured by Sharath Srinivas.

Keep sending your photos to [email protected]. All shots of flora and fauna are welcome.

Chipmunk MChayes258 copyChipmunk by Michael Chayes Goldfinch MChayes 196 copyGoldfinch by Michael Chayes roughleghawkRough Leg Hawk by Zachary JacobsHawkAdlerA hawk on Park Road from Nancy AdlerredtailedhawkAnother Hawk submitted by Andre de GreenacresegretMarjorieEngelAn egret at the high school submitted by Marjorie EngelfoxonstrattonA Fox on Stratton Road by Sharath Srinivas