Friday, Mar 21st

Guide to Virtual High Holiday Services for All

applesandhoneyRosh Hashanah begins on Friday night September 18, and Yom Kippur on Sunday night September 27. If you don’t belong to a synagogue but would like to attend services, this is the year you can do so, without leaving home. All synagogues are offering a virtual option, and many of these services are open to the public.

Here are schedules and instructions from four local synagogues:

Bet Am Shalom

Bet Am Shalom, is a vibrant, egalitarian Reconstructionist congregation of families and individuals from diverse backgrounds, bound together by a shared belief in a thoughtful and progressive approach to Judaism. With a deep respect for tradition, they seek to evolve as the works eveloves. Located on Soundview Avenue in White Plains Bet Am is welcoming guests to attend all of their services in a Virtual Open Tent. To participate, please register here.

Here is the schedule:

High Holy Day Services:
Erev Rosh Hashanah: 6 pm
Rosh Hashanah Family Service Day 1: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Rosh Hashanah Service Day 1: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Rosh Hashanah Family Service Day 1: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Rosh Hashanah Service Day 2: 9:30 am – 1:20 pm

Kol Nidre: 6:15 pm
Yom Kippur:
9:30-10:30am Family service
9:30-10:45am Regular shacharit service
10:45-11:40am Torah service, Haftarah, blessing for sick
11:40am-12:10pm YIZKOR and Martyrology services
12:15-12:35pm D’rashah
12:40-2:15pm Musaf service
TBD Study
4:45-5:45pm Minchah
5:45-6:15pm Selected stories; Shirat Ha'am
6:15-7:15pm Ne'ilah
7:15-7:20pm Final shofar blast

Congregation Kol Ami

Congregation Kol Ami is a vibrant and caring Jewish community in Westchester celebrating its 97th year. Their purpose is to nurture the divine spark within, and to connect each of us to a meaningful Jewish journey through worship, the early childhood program, the religious school and Hebrew program, adult education classes and speakers, social justice initiatives, and our diversity. They are here for you in every way; in-person, virtually, and spiritually. The synagogue is located at 252 Soundview Avenue in White Plains. Non-congregants are invited join them for a virtual High Holy Day services this year: Here is the schedule and the links to join:

Rosh Hashanah Family Service, Saturday, September 19th, 2-3pm
Streaming on our HHD Channel:

Rosh Hashanah Day Two Service, Sunday, September 20th, 10am-12pm
On Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 841 8444 9438
Passcode: roshday2

Yom Kippur Family Service, Monday, September 28th, 2:00-3:00pm
Streaming on our HHD Channel:

If you are interested in joining for additional worship opportunities or membership please contact Alison Adler at Shanah tova!

Scarsdale Synagogue

Scarsdale Synagogue, a Reform synagogue on Ogden Road in Scarsdale invites you to be yourself, be connected and be inspired. They meet you where you are and join you on your Jewish journey. Scarsdale Synagogue is offering most services for Rosh Hashanah (Sept 18-20) and Yom Kippur (Sept 27-28) via Zoom and there are also a few in person opportunities. If you are interested in attending, please contact Temple Administrator, Fawn Mendel To learn more, visit or call 914-725-5175.

Westchester Reform Temple

Westchester Reform Temple, a Reform synagogue on Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale aims to satisfy all appetites for Jewish soul food—both spiritual and physical—through meaningful expressions of prayer, song, ritual, study, and community involvement. Select services are open to the public. For login information click her: Everyone will need to register, and confirmation email will provide a link for the services.

Here is the schedule of services for the public:
Saturday, September 12
7:00 pm - Selichot Program followed by Service

Rosh HaShanah
Saturday, September 19
9:00 am - Tot Service
10:00 am -Youth Service

Rosh HaShanah (second day)
Sunday, September 20
10:00 am - Main Sanctuary Service (Non-Members are welcome)

Kol Nidre / Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 27
5:00 pm - Youth Service

Yom Kippur
Monday, September 28
9:00 am - Tot Service
10:00 am - Youth Service
1:00 pm - Open Ark & Personal Teshuvah
2:00 pm - Musical
2:30 pm - First Yizkor
3:30 pm - Afternoon Service, Annual Rabbi Aaron D. Panken, Ph.D z”l Memorial Shiur, featuring Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the URJ and the Rabbi Aaron D. Panken Professors of HUCJIR, Yizkor, & Ne’ilah