Thursday, Mar 20th

Thank you Scarsdale Schools Community

letter to the editor(This letter was written by Colleen Brown, Suzie Hahn Pascutti and Ron Schulhof)

Dear Scarsdale Schools Community,

Thank you for your support in the Board of Education election this past Tuesday. We are grateful for the trust the community has placed in us to serve as your representatives on the Board of Education. We are committed to do all that we can to serve our community, including continuing Scarsdale’s great education for our students.

We look forward to working with our Board colleagues, Dr. Patrick, and the administration on the important work that is ahead of us. We also realize that as your elected representation on the Board of Education, a core part of our job is listening to and engaging with the community. We take this role very seriously and will strive to fulfill it in all ways possible. The engagement and volunteerism of our community is an essential part of the Scarsdale schools.

Thank you to District Clerk Honore Adams, Election Chair Rita Golden, the poll workers, the Scarsdale Middle School custodial staff, and everyone else who helped manage the polls on election day.

We also extend our thanks to the volunteers on the School Board Nominating Committee for their thoughtful process and nomination. We are proud to continue the non-partisan tradition in Scarsdale.


Colleen Brown
Suzie Hahn Pascutti
Ron Schulhof