Friday, Mar 14th

Police Report: White Plains Man Arrested for Trying to Cash Stolen Check; Homeless Man Occupies Village and Fatality on the BRP

TulipsArrested: On April 16, a Popham Road bank manager reported a man wearing jeans and a gray hoodie was attempting to cash a stolen check. This party was described as a non-client of the establishment, and the check was confirmed stolen from a client. Greenburgh police were also advised via hotline. Police arrived at the bank and the suspect left the building. A foot pursuit ensued. With the help of Greenburgh police and its K9 unit, the suspect was apprehended and arrested. He was identified as John Anthony Smalls, 35, of White Plains. Arrest charges include petit larceny, third-degree forgery and fifth-degree criminal possession of stolen property. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear again in court on May 1.

On April 17, a caller reported a homeless man had slept on the patio area of the business overnight before taking a chair with him. The man was located approximately 100 feet away. The chair was returned to owner without incident. Services were offered to and refused by homeless man.

On April 17, an Ogden Road building’s security staff reported a white man wearing a green coat and gray pants was running with two garbage bags and trying to get into their building. Investigation revealed he was homeless and asking for water. He was refused entry and left willingly. Later the homeless man was reported on Fox Meadow Road. Police provided him with a courtesy ride because he was determined to be “lost.”

On April 18, a homeless man was reported to have been sleeping in the post office lobby on Chase Road for several days. Patrol met with the homeless man, who communicated with patrol via cell phone text as he advised he has a speech problem. He advised that he was not in need of medical attention at this time. He vacated the area prior to patrol's departure.

On April 18, police advised a homeless man that he was not permitted to stay inside the vestibule of a bank on East Parkway. The man complied with instructions and left.

On April 19, a Scarsdale Avenue woman advised a homeless man was setting up camp on her property. Patrol conducted an exterior check of the premises yielding negative results for the man. Patrol located a piece of cardboard placed in a tree in the rear of the location, possibly used for shelter. The man was observed on camera leaving the location prior to the arrival of patrol. Patrol was later flagged down by a woman who said she was the homeless man's sister. She said her brother suffers from mental illnesses, and she was in the area canvassing for him to provide help. Patrol obtained her contact information.

Identity theft and scams
On April 19, a Taunton Road resident advised that he received three letters in the mail from Hudson Valley Credit Union about an account that was opened on April 9, 2024. He made contact with the credit union cancel the account.

On April 21, a Drake Road man reported that he has been receiving scam phone calls. Dispatch advised him to block the caller and to not engage.

On April 16, a Sprague Road woman reported she ended an online relationship with another party on April 1 and that he continues to contact her using various social media platforms. Patrol made contact with the party who agreed to stop contact.

On April 17, a caller advised that a female approached him on East Parkway stating that a man on a bicycle was following her and she was scared. She stated that she was frequently approached by a man who engages her in unwanted conversation in the vicinity of the Scarsdale Train Station. She described the male as tall, white, and always on a bicycle wearing a helmet. She said she was just trying to catch a train and requested an escort by patrol to the platform.

Disorderly conduct
On April 19, a Crane Road school employee advised that on Thursday, April 18, a male party in a silver SUV exited his vehicle and urinated on the playground. Patrol reviewed the surveillance cameras at the location and confirmed that a silver Ford escape with a Connecticut license plate pulled into the lot. The operator could be seen getting out and walking out of the camera’s frame. He returned a short while later and drove off. The man was described as a male between 40 and 50 years old wearing a navy blue half zip sweater, blue jeans, and black sneakers. The director of the school requested extra ridebys.

On April 15, a Lenox Place woman reported a Shen Yuen advertisement was placed on her doorknob without permission. Police advised her this was not in the public right of way, and no trespassing crime was observed as the party was not observed on her property. She was further frustrated that this advertisement was not sent via USPS with paid postage. The advertisement was removed from her property and disposed of accordingly.

On April 16, a Tory Lane resident reported being woken up and startled by a possible package delivery that she was not expecting. The resident reported seeing a white rectangular object on her property that she could not identify. Patrol arrived and met with the resident. She further advised that she heard a noise near her garage and observed a white box but could not decipher what it was. Patrol observed it to be an advertisement yard sign for house painting. The sign was near recyclables and garbage bins to be picked up by sanitation. Patrol did not observe any packages or signs of criminal activity and all else seemed to be in order. The calling party advised that she would contact sanitation for pickup.

On April 20, patrol observed a vehicle parked legally at the dead end of Torrence Place. It was occupied by a woman. She said she was hanging out there because she felt safer in this area than her NYC address. Patrol advised the woman of available services which she refused. Later that date, the same woman was found sleeping in her car parked on Cohwaney Road, She said she would be staying in the area for a while because she felt safe there.

A Rodney Road man reported his front door bell rang three times April 21. Patrol advised the homeowner of local kids who have been known to play "ding dong ditch" in the area.

Cars and roadways
On April 15, police issued a summons to the owner of a car illegally parked in a handicap spot on Post Road.

A coordinator at the Girl Scout House said there were not enough parking spots in the lot for program attendees because high school students were using the lot without permission April 15. Police advised her to contact school administration.

A parked car with scofflaw status for unpaid parking tickets was observed on East Parkway April 16. Police booted the car because it could not be towed and issued an additional summons.

On April 16, a motorcycle was observed traveling on Post Road without a rear license plate. Police conducted a traffic stop and issued appropriate summons.

Open work pits were observed on Fox Meadow Road April 17. Police stood by until flaggers were positioned on scene.

A stop sign fell at Old Lyme Road and Normandy Place April 18. Police advised highway workers for repair.

A car reportedly hit a public bus at Post and Heathcote roads and left the scene of the accident April 18.

On April 19, a passerby reported a child was operating a small red electric sports car in the Edgewood School parking lot. Patrol arrived at the school and observed the child and the red toy car. At no point was the child observed to be unsupervised or unaccompanied by an adult. Patrol made contact with the child's parent to notify of the complaint.

Police dispersed a small group of River Road onlookers, observing media coverage of a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway April 20.

Four car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

Village code
Police advised a Brewster Road solicitor that he needed a permit to solicit in the Village April 17.

On April 21, police removed and disposed of illegally posted signs on Weaver Street.

Loose Dogs
Police issued a summons to the owner of a loose Golden Retriever dog in a Mamaroneck Road yard April 19.
Police issued a summons to the owner of a loose dog on Murray Hill Road April 19.
Police issued a summons to the owner of a loose dog on Mohican Trail April 20.
On April 20, a Mamaroneck Road woman advised of finding a loose dog yesterday that jumped onto a member of her family. She was curious as to the dog’s vaccines. Patrol made contact with the dog owner, and the owner advised that all vaccines were up to date. The woman did not want to document the incident any further and advised all was in good order.

Lost and found
A Hampton Road man reported losing his driver’s license on April 21.

On April 21, a Webster Road man advised that he found an Apple air tag on the street. Patrol found the property to be damaged, and it was disposed of properly.

On April 15, firefighters helped lift a patient on Barry Road to assist EMS workers.

On April 16, firefighters responded to a report of a child locked in a public bathroom stall on Hyatt Field. Firefighters forced the door using the hydra ram tool. Damage was caused to the rim lock and door. Entry was gained, and the child was unharmed. The recreation department notified of the damage.

On April 17, firefighters were called to Madison Road for a lockout from an interior bedroom. Crews confirmed room was vacant and gained entry without damage with a shove-style tool.

On April 17, firefighters found that a hot water boiler had over pressurized in a Bradford Road house. The relief valve opened and spilled water on the floor. The boiler shut down, and the resident was advised to contact a plumber for service.

On April 18, a Hampton Road fireplace fire was not drafting up the chimney. Crews removed burning logs and extinguished them outside on the street. The house was ventilated.

Firefighters helped a Tompkins Road resident turn on their hot water heater to make sure it was functioning properly April 18.

On April 19, office staff operating in the police evidence room encountered an odor and visible smoke emanating from the cold evidence storage unit after the refrigerator was plugged in. The unit was immediately unplugged. Firefighters found that when the refrigerator was plugged in, the wiring from the power supply cable started to burn and caused a flame, resulting in the burning of the wires' insulation. Notification was made to call the vendor for service to the unit.

On April 19, firefighters forced open the doors of a stuck elevator in Village Hall to help release a person trapped inside.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident involving one vehicle and one motorcycle on The Bronx River Parkway April 20. One fatality occurred due to cardiac arrest. The roadway was closed, and firefighters assisted in helping traffic back up and turn around to be re-routed.

New Rochelle Police

On April 24th, 2023, at about 3:40 pm, New Rochelle Detectives culminated a sex offense investigation with the arrest of one Fernando Rincon, 51 years of age, of New Rochelle. Rincon is accused of video chatting with a 12-year-old youth known to him and asking the youth to expose his genitalia to him on multiple occasions. Upon his arrest, Rincon was also found to be in possession of illegal drugs.

On Thursday April 18th, 2024, at about 4:00 pm, New Rochelle Detectives concluded an investigation with the arrest of one Hussain A. Haider, a 23 year-old male, of New Rochelle. On March 8th, 2024, Haider is alleged to have approached a woman wearing a Niqab (a long garment worn by some Muslim women that covers the entire body and face, excluding their eyes) and took a photograph under the Niqab and further exposed himself to her before fleeing the area. The victim’s young child was also present during the incident. Detectives were able to develop leads and with the help of the Westchester County Police Real Time Crime Center and New York State Probation, were able to arrest Haider without incident at New Rochelle Police Headquarters.

On April 15th, 2024, at about 7:59 pm, New Rochelle Police Officers responded to 361 Main Street on a report of an assault. Officers located a 19-year-old male victim on the ground with multiple contusions to his face. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment where the injuries were deemed as non-life threatening. Witness accounts indicate that the victim became involved in an altercation with another male party and approximately fifteen others joined in against the victim causing multiple injuries.

This report covering police and fire department activity from April 15-21 has been compiled from official information.

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