Friday, Mar 14th

Locked Into CVS, Flying Rocks and Pumpkins and More Coyotes

policeshieldLocked in at CVS: On Saturday night 9/25 the alarm went off at CVS on Popham Road at 10:20 pm. When Detective Matthew Miraglia of the Scarsdale Police went to investigate at 10:28 pm he found a customer who had been locked inside the store after closing. The customer, a Brite Avenue woman had been stuck inside the store since the 10 pm closing. She entered the store near closing time to make a quick purchase and when she returned to the register to make her purchase, the store was locked and empty. Police were able to locate store manager, Victor Dirona to let her out. The store declined to comment on the incident.

Accidents: On the night of 9/24 police received a 911 call saying that an elderly woman had fallen to the ground and was screaming for help on Brambach Road. Police found the injured woman, Junko Maruyama of White Plains, who told them that she had parked her 2010 Lexus on Brambach Road and attempted to get out of the car. While she was exiting the vehicle, it rolled back and knocked her over. As the car rolled, it ran over the 62 year-old women’s arm. Though she believed she had placed the gearshift in “park”, the police found it in “reverse.” Ms. Marujama was taken to the Westchester Medical Center for treatment.

A Scarsdale police car rear-ended a car driven by a Kew Gardens man at the intersection of Secor Road and Palmer Avenue at 4 pm on September 21. The officer driving the police car reported that the car malfunctioned and accelerated, though he had his foot on the brakes. No injuries occurred.

Flying Objects: An angry Scarsdale High School boy started a fight on the afternoon of September 21 when another boy could not give him a ride a home in his car. The disappointed boy pushed and shoved the driver and attempted to get into the front seat. When he could not get in, he kicked the passenger side window of the car and then picked up a rock and threw it at the car and damaged the passenger side door. The boy’s parents will handle the matter.

minipumpkinA small pumpkin was thrown through the garage window of a Barry Road home on the night of 9/25-9/26. The shattered glass fell on the resident’s car, which was parked inside the garage.

That same night, a Tunstall Road man heard a loud thud and screeching tires outside his home at 1:14 am. He went outside to find that someone had thrown a rock or a brick at the driver’s side window of his 2008 Lexus, which was parked in front of his home. The rock damaged the window and police were unable to locate the culprits.

Police received a complaint on the afternoon of 9/24 from some school children who said that as they were walking home from school a man got out of his red mustang and yelled at them. Police were able to locate the man and got a different story. His car had been struck by what he believed to be a rock thrown by a kid on the sidewalk. The driver did speak to the kids and one said that one of the students who had run off had thrown the rock.

Death: Daniel Sitomer, formerly of Colvin Road in Scarsdale died in Greenwich, CT on September 14 at 1 am of unknown causes. He is survived by his ex-wife and daughter, who currently reside in Scarsdale.

Mischief: On September 20, the head custodian of the Heathcote Elementary School reported that he found three fifth grade boys on the roof of the school. The boys had moved garbage cans and milk crates and they were brought to the Principal who notified their parents.

A new church sign posted at St. Pius was scratched and grooved and the molding was damaged over night on 9/22-9/23. The sign is valued at $4,000 and the damage was assessed at $250.00

A Forest Hills man parked his 2002 Lexus on Ridgecrest West while he attended a party on the afternoon of September 19. He subsequently found a swastika and a Jewish star scratched into the paint on the trunk of his car and he believes the damage was done while he was in Scarsdale.

A Kent Road woman found the words FEAR HSEEN written on a step of her walkway on the afternoon of September 22nd. Her house had also been egged in August.

Harassed: A Springdale Road man complained of harassment from a man who approached him in the Christie Place garage on two occasions. On July 19 the man touched him with the tip of his umbrella and said, “I am going to beat you up.” He then followed the victim to the train station while repeatedly attempting to trip him. The complainant had beeped at the man in the garage before the incident. Subsequently, on 9/20 he saw the man again, who stopped the complainant, tried to put his arm into his car and said, “Are you going to honk at me this time?”

An angry postal worker yelled at two employees of Scarsdale Village when they were conversing in their cars in the Village Hall Parking lot at 5 pm on September 22. The postal worker was in a hurry to cut through the lot in his vehicle and was blocked by the cars of the Village employees. When they didn’t move quickly enough, the postman got out of his car, and shouted and cursed at them in an aggressive manner.

A Madison Road woman called police shortly after midnight on 9/27 to intervene in a fight she was having with her 14 year-old daughter over a potential lip piercing. She asked the police for assistance in mediating the disagreement.

Threatening Passenger: While riding the Bee Line Bus north on the Post Road on September 20, Gary Graham of Mt. Vernon threatened to kill another passenger on the bus. Though he was speaking loudly, his comments were not directed at a specific person so he was asked to get off the bus and he complied.

Arrests: police stopped Dana Simmons of New Rochelle when he was speeding in a 2000 Nissan on the Heathcote Bypass on the morning of September 25. Police found that Mr. Simmons’ driver’s license was suspended and that there was an active warrant for his arrest in New Rochelle. He was arrested and transported to the Scarsdale Police station where the New Rochelle police picked him up.

Scarsdale Police stopped Natalia Gourari of Manhattan on the afternoon of September 22 when she was driving on the Post Road and using her cell phone. It turns out she has a suspended driver’s license so she was charged with operating a motor vehicle while talking on a cell phone and failure to exhibit a driver’s license. She is scheduled to appear in Scarsdale Court on 10/6.

Missing: A Claremont Road woman left the key to her 2009 Acura and her Blackberry Tour at the bottom of her driveway while she made a brief visit to her neighbor’s house on the afternoon of 9/24. When she returned, both the car key and phone were gone.

A Tompkins Road woman lost a solid gold ring last week and asks anyone who finds it to return it to the Scarsdale Police.

Identity Theft: A Seneca Road couple discovered that someone had obtained fraudulent checks that linked to their account at Wachovia Bank and cashed eight checks, totaling $14,078.77 during the month of August. All of the checks show an address of a branch of the bank that does not exist and include forged signatures. The bank is investigating the incident.

Unlawful Watering: A Fairview Road woman alerted police on September 23 that a neighbor was watering the lawn at an unauthorized time. Police approached the house and spoke to the housekeeper who was unsure of how to regulate the automatic sprinkler systems. Police were unable to reach the homeowners so no summons was issued.

coyoteResidents continue to call police to report coyote sightings, despite the fact that police policy is to leave the animals alone unless they are injured or acting in a threatening manner. An article in the NY Times on September 27, says that coyotes are somewhat of a mystery, but experts believe they may actually be hybrids of both wolves and dogs. The article warns residents against feeding coyotes but also reveals that coyotes may help control the goose population as they feed on goose eggs. Here’s this week’s list of coyote sightings in Scarsdale:

  • On 9/20 at 5:30 pm at the intersection of Vernon Road and Wildwood Road
  • On 9/20at 5:45 pm on Weaver Street at Stratton Road
  • On 9/20 at 10 pm on Heathcote Road
  • On 9/20 at 10:07 pm at Secor Road and Reynal Crossing with a rodent in it’s mouth
  • On 9/21 at 1:30 pm on Aspen Road
  • On 9/21 at 3:48 pm in the driveway of a Secor Road home
  • On 9/21 at 6:11 pm on Black Birch Lane
  • On 9/22 at midnight on Cayuga Road
  • On 9/22 at 1:50 pm two coyotes were fighting in the backyard of a Magnolia Road home. Police found one of the coyotes that appeared to be injured and saw it run off into Saxon Woods Park.
  • On 9/22 at 3:08 pm on Corell Road
  • On 9/22 at 7:54 an injured coyote was reported on Corell Road.
  • On 9/24 at 9:30 am two calls were received about coyotes on Woods Lane and Madison Road
  • On 9/24 at 11:11 am at the Edgewood School
  • On 9/24 at 3:42 pm a coyote possibly eating a bird on Birchall Drive
  • On 9/24 at 4:10 pm at Brookby and Mamaroneck Roads
  • On 9/24 at 6:09 pm on Lincoln Road
  • On 9/25 at 5:18 pm, in the yard of a home on Graham Road
  • On 9/25 at 6:04 pm on the lawn of a Tyler Road home
  • On 9/26 at 2:26 pm on Secor Road at the Heathcote Bypass
  • On 9/26 at 3:45 pm – report of a wolf on Foxhall Road
  • On 9/26 at 5 pm at Canterbury and Cayuga Roads