Another Week Another Burglary
- Monday, 29 November 2010 22:19
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 01 December 2010 18:00
- Published: Monday, 29 November 2010 22:19
- Hits: 5742
Another week and another breakin. This one was on Crossway during the day on 11/23. The thieves entered the house by prying open a bathroom window in the back of the house. They rummaged through the master bedroom and closets and stole $500 in cash from a night table drawer. Though they went through a second bedroom, the medicine cabinet in the bathroom as well as cabinets in the living room and office, nothing else was stolen. It is believed they left through a rear sliding door.
Suspicious: At 1:16 am on 11/23 a private security man who was watching a Cushman Road home reported three suspicious people to the Scarsdale Police. Two men dressed in dark clothing and hoodies and a woman were spotted when the two men started to walk up the driveway of the house. When they were stopped, the woman claimed she was “just showing her two friends this house.” The two men appeared to be nervous and concealed their faces. The suspects got back into their car and drove away. Using the license plate number of the car, White Plains police tracked the car owners address and found that there was a criminal history for the occupants of the home. Police searched the area but were unable to find the car.
Death: Irving Kestenbaum, age 94 of Palmer Avenue passed away at 11:18 pm on November 24th. A home health care aide discovered that Mr. Kestenbaum had died and reported the death to his son, Michael Kestenbaum.
Disputes: A Nelson Road woman complained that she was being harassed by another woman -- with whom she once had a relationship. The harasser was sending her aggressive and controlling text message, demanding to see her and threatening to come to her home and advise her family about their relationship. She also contacted the complainants’ son on Facebook to tell him about her relationship with his mother. Police advised her to keep all communications on a disc and she charged the offender with aggravated harassment.
At 11:45 am on 11/22 police were called about a dispute between a Visiting Nurse and a potential client on Mamaroneck Road who needs services. There was no fight.
Carol Tekel of Suffern came to a Tunstall Road home on 11/23 to ask for money and called police claiming that the resident punched her. However, when police arrived they found that Ms. Tekel was trying to extort money from the Scarsdale resident to help her “get back on her feet.” The Scarsdale resident pushed her away from the front door, as he did not want to give her additional money and wanted her to leave.
A Manhattan man came to police on 11/25 to complain that his wife would not permit him to pick up his children and limited his visit to three hours. He called his attorney and wanted to document the incident.
Kids: Police were called to break up a large group of youths at the Edgewood School at 11:51 pm on 11/23. Police found a group of college freshman who were home for Thanksgiving and the students agreed to leave the school. Another group of noisy kids was reported at the corner of Oxford and Greendale Roads at 12:29 on 11/24.
At 2 am on 11/24, police were called when four kids were sitting in a car playing loud music. Police told the kids to go home.
More noise was reported on Jefferson Road at 2 am on 11/25. Police went to the house where people were congregated outside and asked the resident to move the party inside.
At 10:40 pm on 11/24 police found three boys sitting in a car at the entrance to Corell Park. Police conducted a motor vehicle stop and smelled marijuana, but they did not find any illegal substances in the car.
Police were called about a fight on Boulevard at 12:45 am on 11/28. A Scarsdale boy was having a verbal dispute with his ex-girlfriend who did not want to see him anymore. When police arrived, the boy agreed not to contact the girl and he was released to his parents.
Lost: A Richbell Road woman came to police headquarters on the morning of 11/22 to report that someone took her $40,000 diamond earrings.
A White Plains woman called police at 8 pm on 11/22 to report that she lost her pocketbook and briefcase when she took a Scarsdale taxicab to her home in White Plains from the station. The dispatcher had the cab driver check the car
But she did not find the missing items. Police advised the woman to cancel her credit cards and follow up with motor vehicles. However, at 11:04 pm the woman called back to say that both her purse and briefcase had been returned to her.
Found: A set of keys on an orange and blue New York Knicks lanyard was found on Aspen Road. Keys to an Acura were attached. The keys were turned into police on the night of 11/26.
Park Road residents found construction materials around their pool on 11/23. They asked for additional ride-bys to their home.
Accidents: On Monday morning 11/29, a 26 year-old White Plains woman lost control of her 1996 Pontiac when she was driving south on the Post Road. She attempted to change lanes near Huntington, and instead hit a pole with a stop light. She damaged the pole, the light and a street sign and was injured. The Post Road had to be closed, her car was towed and police, the fire department and SCARVAC were called. She was taken to White Plains hospital for treatment and issued a summons for driving without a license. As it was 7:57 am traffic was snared.
A Dickel Road boy was backing a 2010 Lexus out of the driveway when he hit the gas pedal and backed into a tree at 1 am on 12/28.
Concetta Ambrose, age 64 of White Plains was hit by a car as she was crossing the street at the intersection of Freightway and Garth Road. The woman’s foot was hit and cut and she was taken to White Plains hospital. The driver did not stop.
A crossing guard at the Edgewood School reported that a car almost ran him over at noon on 11/24. Police gave the driver a summons for disobeying traffic control.
Animals: A Shawnee Road woman was out walking her dog on the afternoon of 11/25 when another dog that was not on his leash bit her dog. Police spoke to the owner of the dog who was not on the leash and he was very apologetic. They warned the man that if he did not keep the dog on a leash he would be given a summons.
A limping coyote was reported at 159 Brite Avenue at 8:30 am on 11/23.
From the Greenburgh Police:
Busted: Police noticed something suspicious about a car that was parked at a gas station at 775 South Central Park Avenue on 11/26 at 10 pm. Police approached the Toyota 4Runner and ordered the occupants out of the car. Inside the car, police found a hypodermic needed, and three glassine envelopes containing heroin. A 23 year-old man from Ossining, a 29 year-old man from Pennsylvania and a 19 year-old girl from Cortlandt Manor were taken to headquarters and arrested for criminal possession of a controlled substance and the hypodermic needle.
Thefts: An unidentified man came into Fantastic Sams barbershop on Central Avenue on the evening of 11/22 and snatched $135 from the register as the manager was making change. The man was described to be in his early twenties, approximately 150 pounds, with a black beard and he was wearing a ski hat, black hooded sweatshirt and jeans. Police were unable to locate him.
On 11/27 residents of Robin Hill Road in Scarsdale reported that a laptop computer was stolen from their dining room table while they were away for Thanksgiving. Their son had been staying at the house and had friends coming in and out of the house during the weekend.
Disputes: A Hartsdale woman got into a fight with man who was unloading boxes at her apartment building on High Point Drive at 11 pm on 11/23. When the woman found the outside door propped open she closed it and the man yelled at her saying “Can’t you see I am unloading boxes here?” The man called her a “Fxxxx bitch” and eventually rode off in a black Mercedes Benz truck. The woman did not recognize man and wondered if he was a resident.
On 11/23, Leo Kaden, age 82 of Hartsdale reported being harassed by a former business associate who wanted Kaden to settle a court case. When Kaden refused, the man threatened Kaden’s life and family.
Jorges Borges of Greenwich had a fight with Amir Eatemadpour of Scarsdale when Borges went to Eatemadpour’s Central Avenue office to collect an overdue payment on the afternoon of 11/27. Eatemadpour was not happy with the work and refused to pay in full. The two men had a verbal dispute, which ended up in a physical fight. As a result, Borges tripped and cut his hand.
Accidents: A metal pulley broke free from a telephone pole at the intersection of Hartsdale and Dobbs Ferry Roads at 10 pm on 11/23. A Carmel man was driving his Jetta there when it was suddenly hit by the swinging pulley. The pulley caused a large dent to the hood of the car and damaged the driver’s side mirror. The telephone pole was located in an area that is currently undergoing work by a Con Ed subcontractor.
On the afternoon of 11/28 a Sleepy’s delivery truck damaged the rear exit lever of the gate at 15 Club House Lane in Hartsdale. Sleepy’s said they would investigate with the truck company with whom they contract to make deliveries.