A Burglary, A Con Woman and A Dishonest Babysitter
- Sunday, 20 February 2011 18:24
- Last Updated: Monday, 21 February 2011 11:46
- Published: Sunday, 20 February 2011 18:24
- Hits: 9844
Burglary on Grand Park: a houseguest who was staying at 11 Grand Park Avenue returned to the house at 9 pm on February 15 and discovered that someone had entered the house through a rear basement door and pried open an interior door that leads to the first floor of the house. Many items were missing. As the owner is away, the guest provided a partial list of what was taken from the home, which included liquor, two laptop computers, two flat screen televisions and an iPod.
Con Artist: A woman who claimed to be Amanda M. King of California made two fraudulent withdrawals of $3,000 each from the Chase Bank on Palmer Avenue on February 15. The teller and assistant manager of the bank questioned the woman about what she was doing in Scarsdale and scrutinized her identification, but as she was able to give the correct account password and had knowledge of the last four transactions on the account, they gave her the funds.
However, later that day, the Scarsdale Chase Branch Manager got a call informing her that after leaving Scarsdale, the same woman then travelled to the Chase Bank on Mamaroneck Avenue in White Plains and attempted to make another cash withdrawal. It turned out the California driver’s license number was fraudulent and that she was not Amanda King. She was actually Dorothy Hogue of the Bronx and she was arrested for identity theft, possession of forged instruments, forgery and grand larceny.
Served: Sahit Muja of Saxon Woods Road called police on the evening of February 15 to complain that a man was trying to get into his house. Police went to the home and spoke to the alleged intruder who identified himself as Thomas Roskin. Mr. Roskin explained that he was at the home to serve divorce papers to Mr. Muja. However, when police scanned Roskin’s driver’s license number they found that he was on federal probation for securities fraud. Police attempted to contact Roskin’s parole officer but were unable to get in touch with him. Despite Roskin’s status, he was found to be a legitimate process server and police let Muja know that Roskin was there to serve legal papers. Muja is well known in town due to the giant snow sculpture he recently built in his front yard.
Inside Job: A Popham Road man came to police on February 15 to report that $350 had been taken from an envelope in his bedroom. As he suspected that his babysitter was taking the cash, he replaced the money and monitored the draw with an in-home video camera. The tape showed the sitter taking another$20 and when he confronted her she admitted to stealing the money and promised to pay it back. On February 17, the man received a text message from the sitter that said that the baby’s car seat and a gift were outside the apartment. The man found the car seat, three pocketbooks and a letter promising to pay back the funds. The man wanted to document the incident with police.
Lisa Glaser of Pomona, NY reported that her credit card was stolen while she was at work at Harwood Court sometime after February 9th. Citicard notified her that fraudulent charges had been made on the card at Best Buy, the Getty station and Buy Buy Baby.
Arrest: Francisco Rivera, age 57, who had an outstanding bench warrant in Scarsdale was arrested in Yonkers at 1 am on 2/16. Yonkers police notified the Scarsdale Police who drove to Yonkers, transported Rivera to Scarsdale and booked him. He was released on $300 bail pending an appearance.
Threats: A Madison Road woman received a death threat via a text message on her phone on February 16. She made contact with the woman at the number from which the message was sent and the woman knew nothing about it. Police called the woman whose number was the origin of the threatening text. She said that Verizon told her she was the victim of “phone spoofing.”
A Brite Avenue woman called to report that her ex-husband had entered her home without her permission on the night of February 15. The man entered the home through the garage and put his children to bed.
Animals: On February 15 a Brookby Road woman reported that a neighborhood dog keeps going on her lawn. As she does not know whom the dog belongs to, she wanted to file a report.
A coyote was reported on the lawn of a Horseguard Lane home on the morning of 2/16 and another coyote was spotted on Harvest Drive at 7:24 am on 2/17.
Smokin’:On the morning of February 18, Fred Goldberg, the Assistant Principal of SHS called the police to report that students were outside smoking marijuana on Harcourt Road. By the time police arrived, the kids were gone.
Accidents: A 17 year-old boy lost control of his car when it hit an ice patch on the afternoon of February 14. The boy was driving west on Harcourt Road when the car went into a skid and hit a wire that supports a telephone post. Since the support wire was broken, Con Edison was notified.
A young woman from Larchmont ran her 2008 Jeep into a fence at 2 Broadmoor Road on the afternoon of February 15. She said she swerved to avoid a truck that was travelling north on Griffen Road. She was issued a summons for “failing to operate (the car) in a safe manner to avoid collision.”