Friday, Mar 14th

Child Pornography, Physical Abuse and Thefts from the Greenburgh Police

kinfeChild Pornography: Andrew V. Spellman, age 21 of Greenville Road in Scarsdale was arrested for possession and receipt of child pornography at 6 am on Wednesday March 23rd. Greenburgh police assisted the Department of Homeland Security in the execution of the warrant for Spellman’s arrest. Family members of the young man were at home and complied with the officers. Spellman was taken to the White Plains Courthouse for processing.

Fights: A 15 year-old Hartsdale boy caused a fight at his Washington Street home on the night of March 22. The boy was yelling and cursing and said he was angry because his mother had called his girlfriend’s house when she was looking for him. He kicked a baby gate, broke a television and then attacked his stepfather. The boy’s mother has a temporary restraining order against her 15 year-old son who has a history of psychiatric disorders. The boy was taken to Westchester Medical Behavioral Health Center.

In Hartsdale, a Secor Road mother told her 16 year-old son to stop playing video games and the boy became agitated. He picked up a kitchen knife and threatened to hurt himself. The boy fled but police found him, returned the knife and took the boy to Voxberg for a a psychiatric evaluation. The incident occurred on the night of 3/24.

A 28 year-old Hartsdale man assaulted his 29 year-old girlfriend early in the morning on 3/27 at their apartment on North Washington Avenue in Hartsdale. The two had been drinking earlier in the evening and when they returned home the man took some pain medicine and the woman tried to take the bottle away. The man became verbally abusive and then hit her in the head with a wooden stool and slammed her head into a metal doorframe. He then pushed his arm against her throat and bit her arm. She called police from her cell phone and gave her address before he smacked the phone out of her hand. Police placed the man under arrest and took him to headquarters. The woman was taken to White Plains Hospital where she was treated and made her statement.

Jeffrey Sweetnam, an employee at Best Buy reported having a dispute with Hector Orocozo, the security officer at the store. According to Sweetnam, on 2/21 Orocozo accused him of being rude and hanging up on him. Orocozo also threatened to beat him up. Sweetnam told his boss that he did not feel safe at work and the boss told himthat if he did not feel safe he should not come back. His lawyer advised him to get a police report.

Car break-ins: The window of a 1998 Honda was smashed on the night of 3/24 when the car was parked at 1001 Central Avenue and the owner was in the gym. The radio-DVD system were missing from the car.

Also that night, a 2003 BMW X5 parked at Red Lobster on Central Avenue was vandalized. A car window was smashed, and a laptop and textbook were stolen.

DWI: Mark Coupe, age 19 of Dobbs Ferry was arrested for drunk driving at 3 am on 3/25. Coupe was stopped by police on North Central Avenue in Hartsdale when he went through a red light. He failed sobriety tests and was also driving without a license. He was arrested, booked and found to have a BAC of .13%.

Theft: Doreen Hird, age 47 from Mt. Vernon was caught leaving TJ Maxx with concealed merchandise in her handbag on the afternoon of 3/24. Hird took a dress, a pair of shoes, and a pair of pants valued at $141.97 and was caught by a security officer. She was arrested and the merchandise was returned.

62 packages of gum, each containing 10 packs were stolen from Rite Aid on East Hartsdale Avenue on the afternoon of March 26th. The suspect fled toward the train station with $200 worth of gum in hand.

A 60 year-old unemployed teacher from Ossining stole three boxes of chocolate form the Golden Village Market on Central Avenue on the night of March 26. Store Manager Rong Rong Li caught the woman who claimed she did not want to wait on line to pay. Police arrested her and she was booked, processed and released on $500 cash bail.