Scarsdale Students Awarded for Academic Excellence and Service
- Thursday, 12 May 2011 08:01
- Last Updated: Thursday, 12 May 2011 08:28
- Published: Thursday, 12 May 2011 08:01
- Hits: 15048
It was a joyous night for an exceptional group of Scarsdale students, and their parents, friends, teachers and administrators who gathered for the Scarsdale High School Awards Assembly on May 11, 2011. Assistant Principal Sue Peppers lead the ceremony and shared the stage with SHS teachers, administrators and community leaders in presenting the awards to outstanding SHS juniors and seniors.
Students were recognized for academic achievement in English, social studies, languages, science and math as well as for accomplishments in the fine and performing arts, technology and community service.
In addition to school department awards, a variety of groups such as the Scarsdale Inquirer, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and the Scarsdale Friends of Music and the Arts gave awards and there were several awards named in memory of special people in the community. For the first time an award in Art History was granted in the name of Elisa Draper, a Quaker Ridge teacher who passed away in 2010. Her husband Robert Draper, a faculty member at SHS stood by while the award was given to student Hannah Duggan.
One student truly stood out, receiving four coveted awards. Senior Kimberly Strauch who is headed for Dartmouth in the fall won awards in Math, Physics, Spanish and the Eric Rothschild award for superior academic accomplishment.
Principal John Klemme participated in the ceremony, presenting the Dartmouth College Award for academic achievement and service to Max Rolison as well as the Principal’s award to school government leader David Faust.
Here is a list of all the talented SHS students and the awards they received:
- The Scarsdale Foundation Award to Zachary Wald for school and community service.
- Principal’s Award, for school service to David Faust
- The Billy Safian Humanitarian Award to Erica Getto.
- The Scarsdale Alumni Eric Rothschild Scholarship for superior academic accomplishment to senior Kimberly Strauch.
- Junior Academic Excellence Award to Shia Li Lum.
- The Junior Scholarship/Service Award for distinction in both academics and service, to Alexandra Levine.
- The Wellesley Book Award was presented to Nicole Bernstein.
- The Steve Corbin Academic Success Award to Nicholas Gliatta
- The Counselor’s Award to Nathan Sonnenfeld
- The Halliday Clark Sr. Memorial Award Michelle Wexler
- The Casey Ferrone Memorial Award to Sara Greenberg
- The Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce Award to Carly Carlin.
- The Dartmouth College Award for academic achievement and service to Max Rolison.
- The Technical Services Award to Matthew Pavia
- Scarsdale Rotary Club awards for community service to Allison Grant, Anthony Lyons, Caitlin Pitofsky, and Alison Schnitzer
- The Brown University Award to junior Zachary Edelman.
- The Princeton University English Excellence Award to Elizabeth Lash.
- The Yale University Award for English Excellence to Alyson Favilla.
- The Harvard University Award for Excellence in English to Jessica Li.
- The Audrey McGinn Creative Writing Award to Helen Bush and Rebecca Workman The Scarsdale Inquirer Award to Dana Bernstein.
- World Languages Awards were presented to Tyler Foote - Latin; Kimberly Strauch - Spanish; and Biagio DiSalvo - French.
- World Languages Departmental Award David Faust
- The Math Faculty Award to Kimberly Strauch.
- The Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award to Andrew Guo
- The Bausch and Lomb Science Award to Jessica Lam
- The Science Department Award to Ruth Kagan
- The Science Achievement Award to Max Rolison
- The New York State Science Supervisors Awards went to Jordan Falkoff - Biology; Kathryn Peruski - Chemistry; Shoshana Sheinfeld - Geology; Kimberly Strauch - Physics; and Nichola Lesniewski - All-Around.
- The Social Studies Achievement Award to Anna Sherman
- The Social Studies Faculty Award to Benjamin Rimland.
- The Social Studies Excellence Award to Sarah Keltz.
- The Band Achievement Award to Adam Sperber
- The Orchestra Achievement Award to Joseph Louie;
- The Chorus Achievement Award to Andrew Wang and Gregory Seiden.
- The Excellence in Visual Arts 3D Award to Rebecca Erde
- The Excellence in Visual Arts 2D to Talia Singer.
- The Elisa Draper Art History Award to Hannah Duggan
- The Friends of Art Permanent Collection Award to Paloma Dooley
- The Friends of Music and Art Drama Award to Jordan Thaler
- The Lowell Alecson Memorial Scholarship Award to Evan Schor
- Sid Case Memorial Scholarship Award to Jun Sasamura

Top Row: Dana Bernstein, Biagio DiSalvo, Nicole Bernstein, Zachary Edelman, Helen Bush, Jordan Falkoff
Bottom Row: David Faust, Carly Carlin, Tyler Foote, Paloma Dooley, Nicholas Gliatta, Hannah Duggan
Top Row: Andrew Guo, Rebecca Erde, Nicholas Lesniewski, Alyson Favilla, Joseph Louie, Erica Getto
Bottom Row: Allison Grant, Anthony Lyons, Sara Greenberg, Benjamin Rimland, Ruth Kagan, Andrew Wang
Top Row: Jessica Lam, Elizabeth Lash, Evan Schor, Jun Sasamura, Alexandra Levine, Gregory Seiden
Bottom Row: Nathan Sonnenfeld, Jessica Li, Adam Sperber, Shia Li Lum, Matthew Pavia, Kathryn Peruski
Top Row: Caitlin Pitofsky, Jordan Thaler, Alison Schnitzer, Zachary Wald, Anna Sherman, Sarah Keltz
Bottom Row: Shoshana Sheinfeld, Talia Singer, Kimberly Strauch, Michelle Wexler, Rebecca Workman
The Awards Committee members were: Carol D’Angelo, Neil Ginsberg, Michael Hiller, Susan Hollander, Joseph Lamela, Lauren Meyer, Sue Peppers, Eric Rauschenbach and Jennifer Wagner
Presenting the awards to the students were: Christopher Renino, Linda Leavitt, John Harrison, Sylvie Corten, Joseph Vaughn, John Klemme, Sue Peppers, Andrea O’Gorman, John Cuk, Margo Kornfeld, Eve Eisenstadt, Robert Draper, Lynn Potter, Loryn Solomon, Dan Stiel and Jackie Irwin.