Friday, Mar 14th

Who Got Last Licks?

icecreamconeThefts: Sometime between 11:15 am and 9:05 pm on December 14 $17,683 in cash was stolen from a basement office of Last Licks on Palmer Avenue. The money was in an envelope in a drawer in the office. The office was locked during the time of the theft, however two other doors to the building may have been left open during the day. Employees from Metro and Last Licks have access to the basement. Pry marks were found on the door to the office.

Another commuter’s bike was stolen from the Scarsdale Train Station. The gold univega, 21-speed bike, valued at $450, was locked to a rack on Depot Place on the morning of December 12th. When the owner returned that night, both the bike and lock were gone.

A Popham Road woman reported that an aluminum air conditioner cover and a glass shower door were stolen from her property sometime between December 7 and December 12. The items were propped against her house to prevent rain from falling into her basement. Nothing else was taken from the home.

Lost and Found: A gas grill was taken from a Lebanon Road home when the family moved out on 12/14. When the owner returned on 12/15, the Lynx grill, valued at $4,000 was missing. During the move, one of the moving men was questioning the owner about the value of certain items in the house and the owner suspected that the moving man may have returned to the house after the move and taken the grill. However, the homeowner later learned that a friend had stopped by to pick up a patio table and had also removed the grill.

A Circle Road woman called police to say that her wallet was either lost or stolen in Scarsdale Village on December 14th. She must have been pleased to learn that a good Samaritan found it in front of the Scarsdale Flower Shop and turned it over to the police.

Harassed: A Copper Beach Lane man reported harassment from a former business partner that occurred between November 21, and December 14. The Scarsdale man received harassing text messages threatening that the former partner would come to the house, hurt him, and snap his neck. Police agreed to extra ride-bys and to call the former partner to order him to stop the harassment.

A Colonial Road man was threatened by a former employee who said he had not received his paycheck. Though the Scarsdale man said the check had been mailed, the employee was threatening to come to the house. Patrol spoke to the angry man and resolved the dispute.

Fraud: Police were called to HSBC Bank on Popham Road on the afternoon of 12/15 when a man attempted to cash a fraudulent check made out to cash in the amount of $2,205.77. When asked for id, the man presented a fake Pennsylvania driver’s license and Visa bank card. While the bank manager was examining the check, the man left the bank and walked onto East Parkway. Police were unable to find him but placed the check, driver’s license and bank card into an evidence locker.

On the morning of 12/18, a Taunton Road man came to police to report that someone tried to open a line of credit at Citibank using his name and social security number. He had been contacted by the Citibank Fraud Department.

Accidents: At 5:57 am on December 18, a Penn Road man swerved to avoid a deer in the road, brushed a utility pole and crossed onto the lawn of 46 Franklin Road where he struck the curbing of the driveway and then crashed into a stonewall at 44 Franklin Road. The car flipped over and stopped, upside down on the front lawn of 44 Franklin. SVAC, the Fire Department and the police responded to the scene. The condition of the 60 year-old driver was not reported.

A Roosevelt Place woman heard a loud noise outside her house at 10 pm on 12/18. She looked out of her window and saw that a black car had driven down her street in the wrong direction, hit her car and was driving away. The accident damaged the bumper of her 2012 Volkswagon. Police searched the area and found the black car parked just a few blocks away.

Mischief: There was damage to a light at the Girl Scout House on Wayside Lane sometime on 12/17. Also on that date, someone tried to pull out a street sign at Wayside and Carstensen Roads and removed the Wayside Lane portion of the sign. A “No Parking” sign was found in the parking lot of the Alternative School and police did not know where it belonged.

A house on Birchall Drive was egged at 4:30 pm on 12/16. Kids wearing hoodies threw eggs at the side of the house and ran off.

Disputes: A Brookline Road man called police on December 13 when an unwanted houseguest refused to leave. When police arrived the men came to an agreement.

On 12/14, Heathcote Road residents called police to complain that their neighbor’s driveway was strewn with garbage. Police went to the neighboring home and the woman explained that her insurance company had instructed her to leave her damaged property in place so that they could assess it. However, the insurance company had completed the assessment so the woman agreed to call the sanitation department to ask for a pick up.

Missing: A New Rochelle woman came to Scarsdale Police headquarters on the morning of 12/14 to report that her husband was missing. His car was parked at a house that he owns, but does not live in, on Fenimore Road. Police advised the woman to report him to the New Rochelle Police.

Flooded: On 12/15, a North Salem woman came to Scarsdale Police when she noticed that her deceased parent’s home at 16 Cambridge Road was being damaged by water run off coming from construction at 7 Park Road. Police advised her that this is a civil matter and told her to contact the building department.

Trespasser: Police were called to the Greenacres School at 3:19 on 12/16 when an elderly man entered the school and requested to use the bathroom. He subsequently left the school and police found him on the Post Road. The man said he had been doing landscaping work in the area and wanted to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. The Greenacres Principal reported that the man seemed odd.