Friday, Mar 14th

Burglars Return to Fairview Road

carkeysBurglars returned to Fairview Road in Scarsdale, almost 2 months after their last break-in on the block on January 12 when sleeping residents were at home. This time, thieves entered the home on Saturday night March 10 while the residents were out. According to the police report, the house was entered sometime between 5:50 pm and 9:20 pm when the suspect(s) pried open the window on a glass door, opened the handle and entered the family room. Silverware, valued at $10,000 was taken from the kitchen and the master bedroom closet was heavily tossed. Stolen were watches and jewelry valued at $36,500.00.

At the time, two small dogs were in the house, one in a cage and one free. Both dogs are friendly. The burglar alarm was not activated. It appears that the suspect(s) left the property via the backyard, going over a stonewall that leads into White Plains. Neighbors were canvassed but no one had seen or heard anything suspicious.

Missing Keys at Massa Valet: A New Rochelle woman parked her Audi A3 with the valet at Massa on the evening of March 6h and went inside for dinner. When she and her husband came back out the valets claimed that they could not find the keys to either her or her husband’s car. They subsequently found her husband’s car key but hers never materialized. The owner of Massa was questioned and said there was a similar incident with the key to a Porsche last week. The owner of Tri-State parking, who employs the valets, agreed to pay the cost of the replacement key.

Harassed: On March 7, a 21- year-old young man from Bradford Road reported that he was being harassed by a 19 year-old Meadow Road girl. The man had received numerous threatening text messages and overheard her say, “I’m gonna bash in his head.”

The man was fearful because he had seen the girl carry large knives in the past and his parents were out of town. Police called the girl and left a message instructing her to refrain from all contact with the man but were unable to reach her.

On the afternoon of March 10, a resident of Chateaux Circle called police when an Eastchester man followed her to Chat and made her feel uncomfortable. The restaurant manager asked the man to leave but he refused. Once police arrived he agreed to go and was told not to return Chat again.

Arrest: Police stopped the driver of a 2003 BMW on East Parkway at 10:30 pm on 3/9 because they believed the windows of the car were tinted darker than the legal limit. They found that the driver, Fitzroy S. Blackstock of White Plains, had a suspended driver’s license due to speeding violation or misdemeanors and for driving while intoxicated. He also had numerous outstanding summons’. He was taken to the police station, booked for unlicensed driving and darkly tinted windows and released on $100 bail.

Dispute: A Nelson Road woman got into a verbal dispute with her neighbor on 3/7 after he cut down some shrubs along the property line without her consent. She was not sure to whom the bushes belonged as the property line is not marked.

An EZ Pass was stolen from a 1996 Buick that belongs to a Crossway man when it was parked at the Wilgrin Lot on Palmer Avenue on Saturday night 3-10.

A Carstensen Road woman found a damaged iPad on the street on the afternoon of 3/9. Police were unable to determine who owned it so the iPad is being held at the station.

Injured raccoon: In response to a call on 3/5 about an injured raccoon in the driveway of a Catherine Road home on March 5, police moved the animal to the backyard , shot it and disposed of it.

A green Saab was left in the Hitchcock Church Parking lot for four days, from 3/3-3/7. Police recommended that the church have the car towed away.