A Burglary and a Break-in: From the Scarsdale Police
- Monday, 19 November 2012 16:40
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 20 November 2012 07:38
- Published: Monday, 19 November 2012 16:40
- Hits: 4855
Break-in: A Saxon Woods Road man reported a burglary that occurred something between 5:45 and 10:00 pm on 11/17. The suspect entered by breaking a French door in the back of the house, went into the master bedroom and stole jewelry and watches. Police found pry marks on the door. The house backs onto the Saxon Woods Golf Course.
Missing: A Greenacres Avenue woman found that gold jewelry valued at $25,000 was missing from her bedroom on 11/17. The items were last seen in boxes inside her closet. She noticed that some items in the closet were moved and also said that workmen had come to the house the previous day to install blinds in the bedroom.
On November 14 an iPad and a gym bag containing clothing were taken from a 2006 Mazda in the parking lot at Scarsdale High School. The car's owner parked the car around 5 pm and when he returned at 7 pm the items were gone. Though he thought he locked the car, there were no signs of forced entry.
On 11/15, the guardian of an elderly man who lives on Mamaroneck Road reported that a framed copy of the front page of the newspaper was missing from the home. She suspected that it might have disappeared during the hurricane when the man moved out for a few days. The framed paper was valued at $500.
Identity Theft: A Cushman Road woman realized that she was the victim of identity theft when a 47" television was delivered to her home on September 21. It turns out the purchase had been made online, using her daughter's credit card number. Chase was able to credit her for the purchase but the company refused to take back the television and told her she would have to pay $175 plus a 20% restocking fee.
On 11/16 a Willow Road man reported that someone used his personal information to file a tax return. The IRS will investigate and requested that the resident file a police report.
Vandalism: An Overhill Road man reported damage to his flower planters and a statue of a gargoyle on 11/16. The planters were overturned and broken and the gargoyle was knocked over as well. He estimated the damage at $300.
Damage: A man from Sharon Lane reported damage to his property caused by a low wire on 11/14. A truck hit a Verizon wire which caused a telephone pole to snap at its base. The pole is owned by the resident. Con Ed repaired lines that fell as a result but advised the man to speak to Verizon and an attorney about repairing the pole.
Angry! Con Edison called police on the afternoon of 11/16 to say that a man on Crossway appeared to be suicidal. When police arrived the man was in the city and told police on the phone that he was "upset and angry with Con Edison" and was not planning to hurt himself.
Owl: A Secor Road man reported an owl in the road on the night of November 16. Police went to check the intersection of Secor Road and the Heathcote Bypass and found a dead owl in the street.This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website , http://scarsdalesecurity.com/