Jewelry Heist in the Village and a Nasty Dog Bite
- Tuesday, 02 July 2013 18:50
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 03 July 2013 06:40
- Published: Tuesday, 02 July 2013 18:50
- Hits: 5605
Brazen thieves stole $50,000 in jewelry from Sam Lehr Jewelers on Harwood Court while the store was open on Saturday afternoon June 29. According to the owner, two men and a woman came into the store at 2 pm. The owner was helping one of the men at the front of the store while the other man and the woman walked to the back of the store. The owner heard a pop that signaled that the lock to a display case was open. A sales person went to the case and saw that rings were missing. She confronted the man who had opened the case and he fled the store, running down Spencer Place. The other man then said, "I'm going to get him," and also ran out of the store while the woman casually strolled out.
Scarsdale Police broadcast a hotline transmission with a description of the suspects and shortly thereafter Eastchester Police said that one of their officers had stopped a car with occupants that matched the description. However when the store employee went to identify them she said they were the wrong suspects.
Missing were five yellow gold rings each with a blue stone and diamonds. Each ring was valued at $10,000.
Trashed House: While cleaning out a Cayuga Road house after the tenants were evicted on June 28 a man found a marijuana pipe and approximately 6,000 pills. Police came to the house and found it in complete disarray , with broken furnishing, smashed electronics and papers and toiletries scattered about. In the basement, police smelled marijuana and found pipes and discarded cigars. They also found the street sign for Oneida Road and turned it over to the highway department.
Dog Bite: An Evon Court woman called police at 5:30 pm on 6/29 when her two-year-old son was bitten in the face by her dog. Police found the boy with "severe lacerations on the right side of his face," and he was taken to the pediatric ER at Westchester Medical Center. The mother reported that the dog, a female Chow mix, was eight years old and bit the boy while he was eating a piece of cheese. The dog was vaccinated but police told the woman that the dog would need to be quarantined for ten days.
Cars Vandalized: Two cars on Carthage Road were entered overnight on June 26- 27. Though the owners did not hear anything during the night, they awoke in the morning to find the cars tossed and in disarray. Binoculars were missing from one of the cars. A Toyota Rav4 parked in the driveway of a Lockwood Road home was damaged overnight on 6/28-6/29. The car appeared to have been damaged by a beer bottle that was found in the driveway. The door frame was damaged, and there were scratches and scuffs on the passenger side window.
A 19 year-old Springdale Road boy reported that items had been stolen from his BMW when it was parked at the Scarsdale Pool parking lot on June 30 between 6 and 7:15 pm. He claimed he had locked the car but there was no sign of forced entry. Missing were his credit cards, two iPhones and a black leather wallet. At 9:40 that night, one of the victims learned that his credit card had been used in the Bronx.
Stolen Planter: Ridgedale Road residents reported that a large Italian glazed planter valued at around $200 had been removed from their front step sometime between the evening of 6/28 and 6/29. Due to the large size and weight of the pot the homeowners wondered how it had been moved. They did say they heard noise between 3 and 4 am and also reported finding trash on their lawn in the past.
Identity Theft: On June 27 a Tunstall Road man advised police that he was the victim of identity theft. His email account was hacked and his checking account information was compromised. A fraudulent check in the amount of $2,950 was written from his account and intercepted by a bank in Cincinnati. The bank was able to get the name of the 26 year-old Ohio man who was attempting to cash it. A similar incident occurred with a check for the same amount in Huntington Beach, CA.
Arrest: Gildo Gherardi, age 56 of Carmel, NY surrendered to police on June 28 in response to a bench warrant dating back to September, 2010 when he was arrested for driving without a license. He was told to post $500 in bail, given a court date of July 3 and released. Police also found that he had an active arrest warrant in Ramapo.
Brantley Donatien of White Plains was issued a summons for soliciting without a license for a company called Power Home Remodeling on Ridgedale Road at 5 pm on 6/24.
A turtle was found on Heathcote Road at 8 pm on June 24. Police removed it and escorted it back to the Duck Pond.