Friday, Mar 14th

Update from Con Edison On Greenacres Power Outage

fansmall2Greenacres residents, as well as some in Fox Meadow and White Plains have suffered two power outages this week-- the hottest week so far this year. The two outages occurred at night and left residents without air conditioning or lights. Frustrated readers have written to Scarsdale10583 to find out why the same transformer has blown twice in one week and what is being done to correct the situation.

We just received this update from Assistant Village Manager John Goodwin. It seems that Con Edison is working to fix the problem and has installed a back-up generator in case the lines fail again.

Here is the full explanation from the Village of Scarsdale:

Con Edison called this morning to inform the Village that another power outage occurred last night. The Con Ed sub-station located off Tompkins Road near the Public Safety Building, is not functioning as designed and is causing periodic outages in the north end of Fox Meadow and the Greenacres neighborhoods as well as a portion of White Plains (800-900 customers). The sub-station is designed to operate so that if a main feeder line is lost the sub-station trips to an alternate line or back-up line. The problem is that when the feeder line is lost due to the current excessive heat issues, the sub-station is "over-tripping" breaking the whole system down resulting in power loss to the residents. The system has been rectifying itself over a 2-4 hour period, but seems to be re-occurring. Con Edison engineers are working on a permanent solution. In the meantime, Con Ed has made some temporary changes to the sub-station to prevent over-tripping and, as a back-up, has a generator in the area in case the sub-station fails again prior to a permanent solution.