Friday, Mar 14th

A DWI, Thefts and Fender Benders from the Scarsdale Police

RichbellDWI Arrest: Nixon Absolu of White Plains struck a parked car on the corner of Walworth and Colvin just before midnight on May 17. Officers came to the scene and found him rummaging through his car. He claimed that he had been cut off by another driiver, causing him to swerve into the parked car, but there was no other car present on the scene. Officers reported that Absolu appeared drunk and irate. He refused to submit to both a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer test. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated, refusing to submit to a breathalyzer test, driving without a license, and driving with a suspended registration. He was released on $240 bail and scheduled for a court date on May 25, 2016.

Suspected Scams

A Dunham Road man reported to police that he posted a pinball machine for sale for $495 on Craigslist. After agreeing on the price, the buyer sent the seller a check for $1,895, $1,400 more than the asking price. The buyer instructed the seller to deposit it into his account and then refund the difference into the buyer's account. When the seller deposited the check on May 16, the bank notified him that the check had bounced. Fortunately, the seller realized that the buyer might be a scammer and did not deposit any money into his account.

A woman came to the police department on May 20 to report that she had been targeted by an online scam. The woman explained that she had agreed to a price with a seller of an iPhone 6. The seller advised the woman to send $50 of the agreed $200 price in order for the seller to send the iPhone. After the woman transferred the $50 through Western Union, the seller stopped responding to messages and never sent the iPhone. The woman filed a police report and contacted a representative of the online purchasing service.


An employee of a nursery school on Popham Road called police on May 17 and reported that a digital camera, small speaker, and laptop computer had been stolen from the school. The employee and police determined that the items were stolen between May 10 and May 17. Multiple groups had access to the nursery school throughout the week but the police were not able to determine who had taken the items as of the report.

A Nelson Road man reported to police on May 18 that his wife noticed that his 1994 NY Rangers Stanley Cup Ring valued at around $5,000 was taken from their home. The man reported that money kept with the ring in his safe had also been stolen.

A Circle Road man called police on May 18 to report that his golf bag and clubs valued at around $400 had been stolen. The man said that he had been loading his trunk earlier in the morning by going back and forth between his house and his car. During the packing of the vehicle the trunk remained open. The man did not realize the clubs had been stolen out of the trunk until he arrived at the golf course.

Lost iPhone

A woman visited the police department on May 20 to report that she had lost her iPhone near Metro Deli at around 1:00 in the afternoon. When she called her iPhone, an unknown man answered and said that he had found the phone on Palmer Avenue and picked it up. He stated that he was currently on his was to visit his mother in the hospital but would return it to Metro Deli when he was able. As of the report, the phone had not been returned, but the woman is in contact with Metro Deli.

Paranoid Neighbor

A Carthage Road man called police to his house to report suspected criminal mischief from his neighbor. When the police arrived at the scene the man explained that he believed his neighbor had pulled off one of his shutters and had stolen some of his shoes and clothing. The man admitted that he had never witnessed his neighbor committing the crimes, and had very little reason to suspect him. The man told police that he was "scared for his life" although he was unable to provide a reason why. No criminal activity was reported.

On May 20 a caller reported that there was an occupied parked white SUV across from her Walworth Avenue residence with multiple occupants making excessive noise. When police arrived, they spoke to the homeowner of the house where the SUV was parked and found that the SUV and its occupants had permission to be there, although she stated the noise would be limited from now on.

Attempted Identity Theft

On Saturday, May 21, a Ross Road man reported an attempted identity theft. The man explained that on Friday May 20 he received an email from his bank stating that his phone number had been successfully changed. The man immediately went to his bank to explain that the request to change his phone number had not been authorized by him. The man opened new bank accounts. The next day the man again received another email from his bank stating that his phone number had been changed. He returned to his bank to again reverse the change. There were no occurrences of fraudulent transactions from his bank account.

Downed Wire

On May 16, the police were called to the intersection of Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue due to a downed Verizon power line.

Occupied Cars

On May 17, a caller reported that there were two occupied mini vans parked in a parking lot on Fox Meadow Road. When police arrived the two parties on scene explained that their child was at a class at Scarsdale Synagogue and they were having a conversation while waiting for the class to end.

Suspicious Neighbors

A resident called the police when he spotted a man on Greenacres Avenue on May 18 with dreads and no shoes who was talking to himself. When police arrived they found a man who identified himself as Mr. Pryor and said he was looking for the nearest homeless shelter. Police noted that the man was wearing shoes. Patrol advised Pryor that the nearest homeless shelter was the Open Arms shelter in White Plains and offered to drive him there, but he said he could walk. Police left the area with no further incident.

On May 19 a caller on Christie Place reported a possible bike tire larceny in progress. When police arrived they observed a man changing a bike tire on a bike chained to a bicycle rack. Due to recent bicycle larcenies in the area police asked the man to prove that the bike belonged to him by unlocking the chain to illustrate ownership. The man produced a key that unlocked the chain.

On May 19 a caller reported that he noticed an unmarked white van with New York plates parked by the high school that then drove into Harcourt Road. Police found the van parked in a Harcourt Road driveway and spoke to the owner, who explained that he is a painter, and traveled to the Harcourt Road home to work.

A Paddington Road woman called police on May 21 when she returned home and reportedly heard footsteps inside. When the police arrived they check the interior of her residence and did not find anyone present.

Reluctant Residents

Greg Caccioppoli of the Scarsdale Engineering Department called to report that a homeowner refused to allow the engineers onto her property to access the sewer line after notices failed to be sent to her. When police arrived they advised him to provide the resident with the paperwork needed and call the Police Department again if there were any further issues.

Callers from 13 and 14 Hillview Drive reported that a man claiming to be for Con-Ed was trying to make entry into their homes on May 23 to check for gas leakage. When police arrived the Con-Ed employee provided proper credentials proving he was authorized to check for the gas leak. He was escorted back to the homes by the police and checked the homes for gas leaks yielding negative results.


Police received two calls on May 18 reporting Verizon solicitors. A caller on Oak Way phoned the Scarsdale Police to report that a man and woman wearing Verizon kaki pants and shirts had approached her. When police arrived, they did not find anyone matching her descriptions but advised the caller to call back if she saw the solicitors again. Another call was received from a caller on Greenacres Avenue to report the same man and woman. When police arrived they canvassed the area and found the solicitors at 64 Walworth Avenue. The police informed them that they were in violation of a Village code preventing solicitors. The man claimed that he was conducting bi-yearly Verizon service offers and that he had a valid permit, although he did not have a copy on hand. The man agreed to stop work for the day and return when he receives a valid permit. Only a verbal warning was administered.

Noise Complaints

On May 17 the police were called to a residence when the owner reported loud beeping for the past 30 minutes near her house. When the police arrived, they discovered the beeping was originating from Big Truck Day at the Scarsdale Library. They informed the caller of the beeping's origin and requested that the trucks at the Library try to limit their sound.

A caller phoned the Scarsdale Police on May 18 when she heard screams coming from the woods near her house. She was unsure if the screams originated from a human or an animal. When police arrived they canvassed the area and found a house cat and the aroma of skunk. Police also spoke to a nearby man riding his bicycle who stated her did not hear any screams.

Police received two calls regarding the noise levels at Fenway Golf Club on May 21. A Rock Creek Lane caller and a Wheelock Road caller both complained that there was loud music coming from the surrounding area. When police arrived, they discovered that the music was coming from Fenway Golf Club who was hosting an event. Patrol decided that the noise level was not in violation of the village code.

A Boulevard caller reported youth playing loud music on May 16. Police canvassed the area and found a full court youth basketball game in process on Hyatt Field. There was music being played but the officer deemed the noise level appropriate. The youths agreed to lower the music and were considerate and cooperative.

Loose Animals

A caller at the Weinberg Nature Center reported a loose light brown dog roaming without an owner on May 19. When police arrived the owner explained that she had contained the dog in the parking lot of the nature center. Police secured the dog and transferred it to headquarters, and subsequently found and called its owner. The owner recovered his dog from headquarters and was issued a summons for a village code violation.

A caller on Grand Park Avenue reported to police that there was a baby raccoon loose on his property on May 19. When police arrived, they noted the baby raccoon on his porch did not appear to be sick. The police provided the homeowner with the number for a wildlife trapper.

Process Server

On May 21 a Fayette Road man called police to report that a dark skinned male threw papers at his door and wants police assistance in dealing with the stranger. When police arrived, they found a process server on the man's property. He was trying to present the man with court papers. The server explained that the homeowner would not accept some of the papers and became belligerent. The police determined no criminal act had been committed, and the homeowner did not wish to pursue criminal charges or an investigation, but just wanted to document the incident.

Traffic incidents

On May 22 at around 2:30 am, Luis Beltranchristanch from White Plains fell asleep at the wheel while driving on Mamaroneck Road. He struck a utility pole that required ConEd repairs and the closing of part of Mamaroneck Road.

A Richbell Road man was driving down Richbell Road towards Richbell Close when he was distracted by his backseat passengers and drove off of the road on May 21. The man's Audi collided and damaged the wooden guide rail.

On Monday, May 16 around 12:00 an elderly Bradley Road man driving a 2015 Honda collided with a Village vehicle picking up village barricades in the DeCicco's parking lot. There were no injuries.

On May 20 at around 6:30 pm a Carman Road woman was driving on Crane Road and failed to notice the cars in front of her had stopped. She collided with a Puritan Drive woman, whose vehicle was in turn pushed into a car driven by a Mamaroneck Road woman.

On Monday, May 16 at around noon a Penn Boulevard woman hit the door of a parked car belonging to a Sherbrooke Road woman when she opened the door to exit the vehicle on the East Parkway.

On May 17 A Bradford Road woman was backing out of a parking space on Spencer Place and stopped. At the same time a Garth Road man also backed out of his spot and struck the other vehicle.

On May 18 at around 8:30 in the morning, Vedae Heath from Tulsa, Oklahoma was stopped in her car at a red traffic light on Post Road. Ms. Carilloochoa from White Plains took her eyes off of the road and struck the stopped vehicle.

On May 19 at around 9:00 am, Verenise Madera from Mount Vernon was driving on Post Road in the left lane when Jane Hanley from Somers, NY attempted to pass her. The two cars made contact and the side view mirror of Hanley's Subaru was damaged.

Conor McGaley from Larchmont was driving down Griffen Avenue at around 7:00 on May 20 when a Windmill Lane woman attempted to make a left turn out of Brittany Close onto Griffen Avenue. The two cars collided but no injuries were reported.

A caller on Depot Place reported to police on May 19 that vehicles had been parked on both sides of the street, preventing traffic from passing through. When police arrived, they noted that traffic was able to pass through, yet carefully. While police were on scene, enough space was created for the sufficient movement of emergency vehicles.

A woman called police on May 20 to report that a man in an SUV got out of his car at a red light on Post Road and screamed obscenities at her. The police canvassed the area and were not able to find such a man and the caller was not able to give his vehicle's license plate number.

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