Friday, Mar 14th

Mother Arrested for Drunk Driving with Child in Car

deerroadOn Sept. 25, a report of erratic driving at Post and Heathcote Roads led to a traffic stop resulting in the arrest of a 36-year-old White Plains mother who was driving while intoxicated with her child in the car. Patrol first observed the car in question to be driving very slowly while the driver – Kristen Walsh, 36 or White Plains – held a cell phone to her ear. Patrol stopped the car and watched Walsh strike the curb with her passenger side wheel during the traffic stop. While talking with Walsh, patrol detected a smell of alcohol on her breath, slurred speech, slow motor skills and evasive eye contact. Walsh's nine-year-old daughter was sitting in the back seat of the car. Patrol asked Walsh to get out of the car, and Walsh was unsteady on her feet. According to the report, she "lost her balance and almost fell, causing patrol to help support her balance." Walsh stated she "had one vodka mixed drink and a Xanax about an hour ago at a friend's house." Walsh was not able to successfully perform field sobriety tests and asked to stop the tests "because she was feeling tired." An alco-sensor test registered a positive presence of alcohol on Walsh's breath. Later a Datamaster test measured Walsh's blood alcohol level at .14. Walsh was arrested and charged with driving while on cell phone, aggravated DWI with a child in the car, DWI per se, with a prior conviction less than 10 years and DWI with a prior conviction less that ten 10 years. Walsh was released to her attorney on $500 cash bail.

Stolen cars

A 2000 Honda Odyssey was stolen from a Brewster Road driveway overnight Sept 21. It was discovered missing at 7:45 a.m., Sept. 22. A wallet, checkbook, road map and notepad and other personal items normally kept in the car were removed from the car and discarded on the driveway and in the bushes. Fifty dollars, the owner's driver's license and his Social Security card were missing from the wallet. The owner said he was missing a set of keys to the car, but those keys might have possibly been left in the car. According to the police report: "Due to the positioning of a second vehicle in the driveway, the stolen vehicle would have had to have been driven across the front lawn in order to exit the driveway, yet patrol was unable to see any distinct marks that would justify that assumption." Police are following up.

On Sept 24, at 1:15 a.m., New Rochelle police broadcast a hotline about a stolen car fleeing north on North Avenue toward the Scarsdale/Eastchester border. Police canvassed the area but did not find the car.


A Murray Hill Road resident reported his $1,500 Movado watch was unlawfully taken from his house Sept. 21. Along with the watch, a display case for the watch was also taken. The resident last saw the watch in his dresser drawer at 6:30 a.m. a cleaning service was allegedly in the house from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. that day. The manger of the cleaning service was informed and encourage the resident to file a police report.

On Sept. 24, a Church Lane resident reported her son's orange and black bicycle was stolen from her front yard on Sept. 18. On the night of Sept. 23, she said approximately nine dollars in quarters were stolen from the center console of her unlocked car. She requested extra ridebys of her house.

Check fraud

On Sept.19, a Colvin Road resident reported her checking account had been compromised by a fraudulent check Sept. 14. The check was made out to an unknown person. The woman closed the account immediately, and Chase Bank is following up. Additionally, the woman reported her account's password and linked email address had been changed on Sept. 6. She was not sure if the two incidents were related.

On Sept. 22, a Stratton Road woman reported a personal check originally made out to her landscaper was allegedly altered and deposited into her babysitter's account without the woman's permission. According to the woman, the check for $773.10 had been placed in an envelope inside a kitchen drawer. While doing online banking, the woman noticed the check had been cashed on Sept. 20 via a Chase mobile app. The woman said the check appeared to have been "whited out" and rewritten. The babysitter was working at the woman's house on Sept. 20 between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. According to the woman, the babysitter has only worked for the family "a couple of times."

Criminal mischief

On Sept. 19, a caller reported damage to bathroom doors and playground equipment at Hyatt Field on Boulevard. Doors and welded equipment were broken, and a burn mark was found on an interior bathroom wall. Later in the week, a toilet in the women's bathroom was found to be leaking. It was determined the leaking toilet did not show any signs of criminal mischief.

On Sept. 19, an Axtell Road homeowner reported a garage window screen had been tampered with at her house over the weekend. She discovered the cut and torn screen after noticing the unlocked garage window had been opened. Additionally a rooftop cargo bin beneath the window had been knocked over.

Branch break

A branch from a village-owned tree broke the window of a car parked in a Madison Road driveway overnight Sept. 19. The falling branch shattered the car's back window and damaged a rear brake light, interior upholstery, window frame and bumper. The highway department is following up.

Game cubes

On Sept. 21, a man said he left Nintendo Game Cube controllers at a house in which he was living last March. He wanted the Game Cube controllers back and asked police to help him retrieve his property. It was after midnight when the man asked for police assistance. Patrol told him to return the next day at a more reasonable hour, so police could help him get his property back.


Heathcote Medical Center staff called police about an agitated and confrontational patient who was refusing to comply with staff instructions Sept. 21. When police arrived on the scene, they observed the loud and angry patient. The patient said she wanted to have her blood tested because she believed she had an infectious disease. A doctor said he had met with the patient and she became confrontational while the doctor was attempting to review her medical history with her. Rather than discussing her history, the patient demanded a blood test. The doctor said the patient was not in need of critical medical attention. He said he refused to continue the appointment because of the woman's aggressive and confrontational behavior. Patrol explained this to the woman, and she became agitated with police and began tape recording patrol's interaction with her. Patrol offered to call an ambulance to take her to a hospital for treatment, but she refused.


Police assisted MTA police with an incident involving a high school aged girl on the train who was allegedly being followed by a male Sept. 23. MTA handled the situation on the train station platform while Scarsdale police assisted.

911 calls

This week, a Fox Meadow man made multiple false-alarm 911 calls. First the man alleged a dispute with his younger brother that did not occur. Later in the week, the man claimed he was the President of the United States and demanded a limousine. Patrol informed the man's mother about the calls, and she said she would address the situation.


An Aspen Road homeowner reported a delivery driver from "All Good Things" Nursery dumped dirt on the road and left the scene Sept. 24. Approximately 30 minutes later, the driver returned to Aspen Road with a loading machine and was moving the dirt off the roadway. The driver said the problem was the result of a simple misunderstanding.


On Sept. 24, a resident brought a Smith and Wesson handgun to headquarters for safekeeping, pending the renewal of his expired handgun permit.

A Saxon Woods Road resident reported finding a gun in her mailbox Sept. 24. She said she found the gun while getting her mail, so she removed her mail from the box but left the gun there. Patrol examined the gun and determined it was a broken toy gun. Patrol checked a database for any recent incidents involving a toy gun, but none were found.


Two callers reported seeing a man on Walworth Avenue at 10 p.m., Sept. 24. The first caller said the man was hitchhiking and disrupting traffic. The second caller said the man was ringing her doorbell. He was described as Hispanic, wearing a dark colored sweatshirt and carrying a duffel bag. Patrol found the man and interviewed him. Patrol determined the man was lost and trying to get home to White Plains. Patrol provided him a courtesy ride to West Post Road and Maple Avenue.

Cars and roadways

Patrol taped off Huntington Avenue and stood by for Con Edison at the site of a large tree branch on electrical wires Sept. 19. Power to Greenacres School was shut down while Con Edison was working around 7 a.m. Flagmen were positioned to direct traffic at affected intersections.

A Mercedes Benz with two flat tires was towed from Catherine Road Sept. 19.

Police notified the highway department about a deceased raccoon on Heathcote Road Sept. 19.

The water department was notified about a leaking fire hydrant on Post Road Sept. 20.

Patrol issued a parking summons to the owner of a Toyota parking in a no standing zone on Lockwood Road Sept. 20.

Patrol removed a large branch from Fox Meadow Road Sept. 20.

A driver said a protruding sewer cap severed two tires on her car on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 21.

A car belonging to a work crew on Fox Meadow Road was parked too close to a stop sign at Fox Meadow and Ogden roads Sept. 21. Patrol spoke with the car's owner, and the car was promptly moved.

Police directed traffic while a tree company trimmed protruding branches on Walworth Avenue Sept. 21.

Patrol placed a traffic cone in a pothole on Fenimore Road and notified the highway department Sept. 21.

Patrol notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Fox Meadow Road Sept. 22.

A car with a flat tire was towed from Colonial Road Sept. 23.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.


A Crane Road resident though she saw an injured coyote in her backyard Sept. 22. The alleged coyote was not there when police arrived. Patrol provided the resident with a list of trappers' telephone numbers.

A Tisdale Road homeowner reported a baby deer was stuck in a seven-foot-deep window well at his house Sept. 22. The homeowner placed a wooden ladder in the window well to help the deer climb out. Patrol provided a list of trappers' telephone numbers, in case the deer could not climb out on its own.

A Gatehouse dog got loose and ended up in a neighbor's yard Sept. 22. Patrol spoke with the owner. The owner said he would make sure his dogs stayed on his property.

A driver struck a deer and critically injured it on Mamaroneck Road at 10:30 p.m., Sept. 23. Patrol fired two shots to kill the animal. The highway department was notified for carcass cleanup.

Village code

Patrol issued summonses for illegal use of gas-powered leaf blowers to landscapers on Crane Road Sept. 23.

A gathering of young people quickly dispersed from a playground on Boulevard after patrol shone a light in the area at 10 p.m., Sept. 24.

After neighbors complained of noise, patrol asked a Fox Meadow Road resident to lower the volume of music playing in the house at 10:30 p.m., Sept. 24.

Police dispersed a large gathering of kids in the intersection of Fairview and Greendale roads at 10:37 p.m., Sept 24.

Police asked a Ridgecrest East homeowner to lower the volume of party music a few minutes before midnight Sept. 26.

Lost and found

A pedestrian found a ring of keys on East Parkway and gave them to police for safekeeping Sept. 20.


Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of sparking wires on Huntington Avenue Sept. 19.

A reported smoke odor on Fox Meadow Road was unfounded Sept. 20.

Firefighters shut down a malfunctioning gas stove and advised the resident about a bathroom water leak in an Elm Road house Sept. 20.

A broken residential sprinkler system in a Post Road yard appeared to be a leaking fire hydrant Sept. 21. Firefighters assessed the situation and advised the homeowner.

A heating oil tank was leaking in a Garden Road house and causing an odor Sept. 23. Firefighters spread absorbent on the spill while the homeowner contacted her oil company to empty and remove the tank.

Smoke in the area of Whig Road and Brite Avenue was traced to a resident using a fire pit Sept. 24.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village. They responded to five six carbon monoxide alarms and 18 false alarms caused by device malfunction, spray paint, cooking smoke, construction dust, shower steam, and activated manual pull station and a battery change.

This report covering police and fire department activity from September 19–25 was compiled from official information.

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