Friday, Mar 14th

Car Rollover, Harassment, and Indecent Exposure

overturnedcarRollover Accident Results in DWI Arrest:  Following a rollover car accident at Brayton Road and Walworth Avenue at 10:30 p.m., April 29, police arrested Daniel Ortiz, 34, of the Bronx, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense) and having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Ortiz got out of the car, stating he had only minor injuries. He was the only occupant of the car. While interviewing Ortiz about the accident, police noticed Ortiz's breath smelled of alcohol. He told police he "pounded a couple beers in the past hour." Patrol also saw an open bottle of Heineken beer inside the car. He failed field sobriety tests, and an alco-sensor test measured his blood alcohol level at .219%. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived to evaluate Ortiz. Ortiz said he was not injured and did not want medical attention. He told medics he had consumed approximately six beers in the last hour. He was arrested and taken to White Plains Hospital Center for further evaluation. After being released from the hospital, Ortiz was taken back to headquarters where he was booked and processed. He was released at 4:30 a.m. to his mother on $150 cash bail. His car, a 2013 Honda Accord, was towed to the police impound lot. The following day, a Walworth Avenue man alerted patrol's attention to two plastic bags filled with beer bottles that the driver allegedly removed from the car following the accident.

Car break-ins
A Fox Meadow Road woman reported someone broke the rear window of her 2009 Mercedes-Benz while it was parked in her driveway overnight April 23 to 24. Quarters and a black Italia tote bag were stolen.

On April 24, a Crane Road woman reported her BMW's windows were opened overnight, while parked in the driveway, April 22 to 23. Nothing was stolen.

A Popham Road resident reported drums and cymbals were stolen from his driveway April 25. He placed them there around 4 p.m. Four hours later they were missing. They were valued at $2,300.

Identity theft
On April 29, an Innes Road man reported someone attempted to open three bank accounts in his name. The attempts were unsuccessful.

The overpass of a footpath between Archer Lane and Harvest Drive was found covered with graffiti April 24. Police found an empty spray paint can on the scene and collected it as evidence.

Criminal mischief
A Garth Road parking meter pole was found bent on April 24. Police do not know how the pole got bent.

A village bakery owner reported receiving threatening phone calls at work April 27. She said she and her employees have been receiving threatening calls for about a year, but the calls have intensified over the past three to four months. The caller mentions specific names of employees who work for the bakery. Some calls have allegedly been "hateful toward women." The caller has allegedly threatened to kill the owner or whoever has answered the phone. The owner wants the calls to stop. Police are performing extra ridebys of the bakery.

The caddy master at a Secor Road Golf Club stated a caddy threatened him after the caddy was fired from his job April 30. The caddy master was not in fear for his safety, but he wanted to document the incident.

Indecent exposure
A young white man, in his teens or twenties, wearing a bright green ball cap, gray shorts and a gray shirt allegedly exposed himself on the footpath connecting Meadow and Bradford roads at 4 p.m., April 24. A woman walking her dog on the path saw the man with his shorts down masturbating in the bushes. After she walked away from the man, she turned back and saw him still standing in the same position masturbating. The woman again saw the young man walk past her house and re-enter the footpath at 5 p.m. That is when she called police. Patrol canvassed the area for the man but did not find him.

Broken window
A Brite Avenue resident reported finding his car's side window smashed while the car was parked in the driveway April 26. It was undamaged when last seen April 25. The car remained locked, and nothing was stolen. Police determined the incident was not criminal in nature.

Curse words
A caller reported a white man shouting profanities while riding a bike on Crane Road April 29. The man told police his shoelace had gotten stuck in the bicycle pedal. The man thought he might fall and proceeded to shout profanities in frustration. Police asked the man to refrain from using foul language in public.

Au pair
A Lincoln Road mother stated she was having trouble with an au pair from the Netherlands on April 26. The au pair was in the Netherlands at the time but scheduled to return April 30. During the au pair's absence, the au pair's room was scheduled to be painted, and the au pair had been asked to pack her belongings and remove them from the room. The mother noticed some of her family's personal belongings packed with the au pair's things and called police. These items included clothing, electronic devices and household items. The mother took steps to fire the au pair and notify the agency that arranged her employment. The au pair was sent a letter stating she is no longer allowed back on the Lincoln Road property.

A Carolyn Road resident asked someone from the police department to "come and talk to her" on April 26. She was allegedly upset that "her friend from the hospital did not call her."

A woman needed assistance while sitting in her parked car at the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center April 28. Police contacted a family member and New Rochelle police.

An Old Lyme Road resident called 911 requesting the phone number for Costco on April 29. Police told the caller to call 411 for that kind of information.

On April 24, a Popham Road woman called police, stating she believed she was being monitored by various recording devices planted in her television. She had no specific evidence to support the claim, but she believed her supposition was related to an identity theft incident reported in March 2016 to New Rochelle police, as well as to incorrect information observed in her credit report in February 2017. Police advised the woman how to fix her credit report.

Quick dash
A woman was seen running from a Paddington Road house into a car at 10:30 p.m., April 25. The woman was a babysitter at the house. She said she ran to her car to avoid getting wet in the rain.

Missing person
Babson College police contacted Scarsdale police to investigate a missing person case April 25. As per the "missing person's" family, the missing person was determined to be in the hospital and not actually missing. The family said they have maintained daily contact and support. Babson College police were notified.

The highway department was notified about a sewer backup in a Donellan Road house April 27.

At 3 a.m., April 24, police noticed a black SUV parked on Old Lyme Road. A person was sleeping in the back seat, completely covered by a blanket. Police woke up the driver to check on her status. She said she was driving from New York City to Boston, got tired and pulled over to sleep. There was no sign of criminality.

A white SUV with Texas license plates was parked off the roadway on Herkimer Road at 7 a.m., April 28. It was occupied by two people. They said they were on their way from New York City to their new house in Connecticut. They were tired and pulled off the roadway to rest. There was no sign of criminality.

Cars and roadways
A parking meter on Garth Road was damaged, most likely caused by a strike from a motor vehicle.
On April 25, police issued a parking summons to the owner of an SUV parked on the sidewalk on Drake Road.

Patrol called tow services for drivers of cars with flat tires on Brite Avenue and Church Lane April 25.
Patrol assisted a driver of a car with a flat tire move his car from Heathcote Road to Supply Field while the driver awaited a tow April 25.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen tree leaning on electrical power lines on Fairview Road April 26.

On April 26, a driver said a falling branch hit her car while she was driving on Nelson Road, causing damage to the hood, on April 24. It appeared the tree was on village property.

A suspicious car was parked on Fox Meadow Road at 1 a.m., April 27. The car was a white, two-door Honda Civic, with the front and rear license plates removed and the VIN number partially obscured. Police created a report for documentation purposes, due to the recent rash of car break-ins and burglaries in the area.

Police erected temporary parking restriction signs on Ogden Road to prevent construction workers from parking in a blind spot and causing potential traffic hazards April 27.

Cablevision was notified about a fallen wire on Post Road April 28.

The highway department was advised about glass on the roadway at Sprague and Nelson roads April 28.

Temporary "no parking" signs were erected on Cooper and Reimer roads to ensure roadway safety during an estate sale April 28 and 29.

Police advised the Department of Transportation about a broken traffic signal at Griffen Avenue and Wearer Street.

Twelve car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Dog bite
A Hampton Road woman reported her dog was attacked by another dog while they were out walking on Brite Avenue and Olmsted Road April 26. The attacking dog darted at the Hampton Road dog from an Olmsted Road house and bit its ear. Police noted the injured dog had blood on its chest and was favoring its left leg. The Olmsted Road dog owner was notified. He said the dog was up to date on vaccinations and would supply appropriate paperwork. He offered to pay for all vet bills related to the injuries. He said his dog is normally in a gated back yard and assumed the dog must have gotten out. Two witnesses completed statements. They were on scene and helped separate the animals.

A Brite Avenue woman reported a raccoon possibly ran into a crawl space under her deck on April 27. Police provided the woman with contact information for local trappers.
A dead cat was removed from Mamaroneck Road April 28. A nearby resident said the cat was a stray, but she often fed the cat.

Village code
A Palmer Avenue resident was advised to turn off a generator in violation of noise restrictions April 25.

Illegally posted advertising signs were removed from Hutchinson Avenue and Weaver Street April 27. Police issued summonses to the companies that posted the signs.

After neighbors complained, police asked a Hutchinson Avenue resident to lower the volume of loud music April 28.

After neighbors complained of noise, police advised Catherine Road residents that their conversation on the back patio was bothering neighbors at 11 p.m., April 29.

Lost and found
A wallet was found at Scarsdale High School April 24. It was determined to belong to a Chateaux Circle man. He picked up the wallet from headquarters. Nothing appeared to be missing.

A Gorham Road man reported losing his wedding ring at Greenacres Field April 28. He said the ring came off when he took off a baseball glove. It was silver and had initials and a date engraved on the ring.

On April 30, a driver's license was found on Weaver Street. It belonged to a New Rochelle man. Police contacted New Rochelle police for contact information and left a voicemail for the driver's license owner.

A set of keys was found near an open house at Clarence Road and Boulevard April 30. It contained a key tag for a YMCA.

A backpack was found under a parked car on Montrose Road April 30. It contained schoolbooks belonging to a Lebanon Road boy. Police returned the backpack to the boy's mother, who said she believed nothing was missing.

Firefighters helped Con Edison check a heating unit emitting low levels of carbon monoxide in a Mohican Trail house April 29. Service was recommended.

A Copper Beech Lane girl was accidentally locked out of her house April 29. Firefighters helped her back inside.

Firefighters assisted Greenburgh police with an injured bicyclist on the Bronx River Parkway bike path April 29.

This week, firefighters assisted at five car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 14 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, burnt food, construction dust and cleaning chemicals.


This report covering police and fire department activity from April 24-30 was compiled from official information.

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