Friday, Mar 14th

Police Report: Fire on Olmsted Road and DWI Arrest

Olmsted FireFurnace Fire
On March 11, firefighters received reports of smoke coming from an Olmsted Road house. Upon arrival, firefighters saw smoke billowing from the front door, garage, chimney and second floor windows. A HVAC technician working in the house said the natural gas fired heating system caught fire in the basement during his work. He attempted to extinguish the fire with a garden hose attached to the hot water heater. The technician was treated for smoke inhalation by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps and taken to White Plains Hospital Center. Firefighters stretched a hose line into the house. They determined the fire in the ductwork had self-extinguished. They checked the house for fire extension and found none. Smoke damage was found throughout the house. Fire damage occurred in the furnace, basement ductwork and boiler room ceiling. Water damage occurred in the basement due to the HVAC tech using a garden hose and leaving it on when he evacuated the room. Con Edison arrived shut gas service to house.
DWI arrests

On March 10, at 4 a.m., police arrested Ramiro E. Escobar-Vega, 21, of Stamford, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent, third-degree unauthorized use of a vehicle and fourth-degree criminal possession of stolen property. While conducting DWI traffic enforcement on Post Road in the early morning hours, police observed Escobar-Vega's 2013 Honda CRV pass by, turn left onto Mamaroneck Road, and stop at Cooper Road. At that time, a passenger exited the car and began running down Cooper Road. Police asked the passenger to stop and return to the car, which he did. When questioned, Escobar-Vega told police he had consumed one beer at a White Plains bar about an hour ago. Patrol asked Escobar-Vega to perform field sobriety tests, which Escobar-Vega. An alco-sensor screening test registered a reading of .107. At this time, Escobar-Vega was arrested and taken to headquarters for processing. There, a Datamaster test confirmed a blood alcohol content reading of .10 percent. Open bottles of beer and an empty Hennessy bottle were observed in the car. The car was impounded. As Escobar-Vega was being released on DWI charges, Stamford police called to report that the car being driven by Escobar-Vega was just reported stolen. At that time, Escobar-Vega was placed back in the holding cell. Additional charges related to the stolen car were added to Escobar-Vega's arrest. Escobar-Vega was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice court, and bail was set at $1,000. Unable to post bail, Escobar-Vega was taken to Westchester County Jail. He is scheduled to return to court March 14.

At 5:15, a.m., March 11, Gerardo H. Robles, 35, of the Bronx, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent, an equipment violation and moving from a lane unsafely. Shortly before 5 a.m., police observed Robles' 2017 Toyota travelling on Post Road without lights. Patrol followed the car and observed it failing to maintain its lane and make an evasive maneuver to avoid a pedestrian street sign. Patrol conducted a traffic stop on Fenimore Road. Patrol saw and smelled physical signs of intoxication when speaking with Robles. He told police he had consumed four beers at a White Plains bar earlier that night. He speech was slurred, and he was unsteady on his feet. He told police he did not see the pedestrian street sign while driving. Robles failed field sobriety tests. An alco-sensor screening test registered a reading of .147. Robles was then arrested and taken to headquarters. A Datamaster test confirmed a blood alcohol content reading of .14 percent. Robles' car was parked and secured at Brite and Fenimore roads, as per Robles' request. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court on March 14.

Identity Theft
On March 5, a Madison Road man reported someone used his personal information and a previous address to fraudulently open a T-Mobile account in his name. The man realized the fraudulent account and closed the account in January. However, T-Mobile sent the account to a collection agency for a $279.53 balance due.

On March 7, a Walworth Avenue woman reported someone used her personal information to open a fraudulent checking account at Citibank. The person then transferred money out of the woman's legitimate account and into the fraudulent account. Police advised her to report the matter to her bank and close the compromised account.

Order of Protection
On March 8, police arrested David Liebowitz, 54, of White Plains. He was charged with the misdemeanor of disobeying a court-ordered mandate, when he allegedly showed up at his ex-wife's house and asked where his children were. According to the arrest report, this contact was in violation of an order of protection. Liebowitz said he had been having difficulty communicating with his ex-wife and children, and he was concerned because he had not spoken with his children for a week. Police advised him about other ways he could attempt to facilitate communication without violating the current order of protection. Liebowitz was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and released on his own recognizance.

On March 8, polices received a report of two men fist fighting on Scarsdale Avenue. The fight was allegedly the result of a road rage incident. When police arrived, the men had already left the scene. Two witnesses said the men were throwing punches, cursing and spitting at each other. The men allegedly got back into their cars and left the scene following the altercation. Police canvassed the area and did not find the men. In follow-up, police obtained address information for both registered cars and checked to make sure that neither man followed the other home in order to continue the fight.

Suspicious Activity
On March 5, a Forest Lane woman said she saw a tall man wearing a hoodie and blue jeans walk down her driveway, possibly carrying a box or bag in his hands. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find the man. A Con Edison employee working on the street also said he saw a tall man wearing a hoodie run down the street.

A caller from Walworth Avenue in White Plains reported seeing three males on BMX bikes looking through his windows around 9 p.m., March 6. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find any boys on bikes.

A Huntington Avenue resident reported seeing unknown footprints in snow outside his house March 7. Patrol investigated and determined the footprints belonged to a sanitation worker who had just picked up garbage in the area.

A Fox Meadow Road woman saw a man with jeans and a winter coat walk through her property March 7. Police did not see the man but traced his footprints, which led to a construction site and then back to the road, thus passing through the woman's yard. Patrol deduced the man had most likely been a worker, checking the job site.

Cold Houses
An older Brite Avenue woman called police because she had no power and her house had no heat March 6. The woman declined medical assistance, and police advised her she could seek warmth at the Scarsdale Library or at any of the open businesses in the village. However, the woman said she preferred to stay in her bed in the meantime. The woman asked for an estimated time that power would return. Due to that being a Con Edison issue, patrol was unable to provide that information. The woman said her daughter lived in Manhattan and her son lived in Putnam County, but she did not want to call them about staying at their houses at this time. Patrol called the woman's son and advised him of his mother's situation. He said he would follow up with her. Patrol also provided the woman with a telephone number of a White Plains hotel in case she felt she needed to leave her house in the interim. Patrol confirmed the woman's cell phone was charged, in case she needed to contact police again.

Police helped an elderly Colvin Road woman contact her daughter in New York City during an extended power outage at the woman's house March 7. The woman was concerned about adequate living needs including food and heat. The woman advised patrol she had a friend in the village that might be able to house her during the power outage and impending storm. Patrol helped the woman call her friend, who agreed to house the woman for as long as she needed. The friend arranged to have her son pick up the woman later that day, after the woman had a chance to pack some belongings.

A young child was observed walking alone outside on Lockwood Road and School Lane, and a concerned caller notified police March 7. Police stopped the child and questioned her. She said she did not need any help and was 11 years old. She said she was out looking for her younger brother. Patrol asked her to call her mother, and patrol made the mother aware of the situation. The mother located the younger brother at a friend's house.

Copper Wire
A highway worker reported a man gathered a couple pieces of copper wire from a downed line on Fox Meadow Road March 5. The man left in a landscaping truck before police arrived.

On March 6, a Cornell Street woman said a blue delivery truck was trespassing on her property while making a delivery to a Griffen Avenue house. Patrol noted that the driveway serves as a shared roadway with attached driveway to a few houses, including the Griffen Avenue house. Patrol advised the woman to bring the issue to the attention of the village for clarification on ownership of the various property sections.

Barricades were placed on Garth Road as a precaution against possibly falling roof tiles from a building March 6.

Fallen Trees
On March 5, a falling tree made a hole in a Carthage Road roof. Firefighters determined the structure of the house was secure. The homeowner was out of town, and police informed her about the status of her house.

Patrol observed a fallen tree across a Dunham Road driveway March 5. Patrol notified the highway department.

A Richbell Road resident complained that a tree on the property line fell on her property March 5. The woman alleged that she has had numerous issues with the neighbor regarding the fence line. She said she believed the tree fell because her neighbor removed a second tree that the woman claimed had been supporting the tree that fell. Police advised the woman her concerns were not criminal in nature and should be addressed by the village or in civil court.

Police closed Oak Lane due to a fallen tree March 5.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from a car on Saxon Woods Road March 5. The owner of the car called for a tow.

A tree fell into wires on Richbell Road March 6. Patrol notified Con Edison.

A broken tree limb was in danger of falling into wires March 7. Patrol notified Con Edison and the highway department.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from Post and Evon roads March 7.
Police closed Heathcote Road because of a fallen tree March 7.

On March 7, a tree fell on Claremont Road, taking down wires. Con Edison and the highway department were notified.

The highway department removed a fallen tree on Farley Road March 7.

The highway department was notified about four leaning trees on Barker Lane March 8.

A cracked tree branch was hanging over Montrose Road, creating a hazard March 8. Patrol notified the highway department and stood by.

A falling tree took down wires and cracked a utility pole on Secor Road March 8.
Patrol notified Con Edison about a leaning utility pole caused by a fallen tree on Dunham Road March 11.

A Ford Excursion was involved in a one-car accident on Crossway, and the driver left the scene around 1:44 a.m., March 8. The accident damaged two utility poles and a guy wire. Both front seat airbags deployed. According to accident investigation, the car struck the first utility pole, veered off the road and struck the second pole. The keys were left in the ignition; however, the motor was not running. Patrol attempted to contact the registered owner of the car, but there was no reply and no voicemail. The car was impounded, and the keys were vouchered.

Shortly before 3 p.m., March 9, a 2007 Toyota sideswiped a school bus transporting nine passengers on Post Road. The bus was attempting a left turn onto Fairview Road when the Toyota grazed the passenger side mirror. No injuries were reported.
Eight additional car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Cars and Roadways
Police called a tow truck to assist a motorist change at tire on Heathcote Road at 3:51 a.m., March 5.

Con Edison was notified about live wires on the ground on Mamaroneck Road and Kelwynne Road March 5. Firefighters taped off the area and stood by.

Police informed the highway department about a traffic sign in need of repair on Meadow Road March 5.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen utility pole and downed wired completely blocking a Heathcote Road driveway March 5.

A live low-hanging wire over Overlook Road was identified as a concern because a truck could possibly hit it March 5. Police flagged down a Con Edison employee who advised she would remain on the scene to monitor the wire until a crew could repair it.

After a driver reported getting a flat tire on Heathcote Road, police reported placed a traffic cone in a pothole on the road and notified the highway department for repair March 5.

Police issued summonses to the owners of two cars parked in handicapped spaces in a Wayside Lane lot March 6.

Con Edison was notified about a sparking wire on Griffen Avenue March 7.

Police placed barricades around fallen wires on Brewster Road and notified Con Edison March 7.

They closed Penn Boulevard for a fallen tree and wires March 7.

A transformer exploded, causing power lines to fall on Post Road March 7.

A section of Post Road was closed, and police notified Con Edison. Firefighters stood by.

Part of Brite Avenue was taped off because of fallen wires March 7. Con Edison was notified.

A plow dislodged a gas line cap on Post Road. Patrol replaced the cap and notified the utility provider for repair March 8.

Patrol directed traffic around a disabled car on Weaver Street, while the driver waited for a tow truck March 8.

Patrol notified Con Edison emergency services about a fallen electrical line near a Mamaroneck Road crosswalk near the middle school March 8.

Patrol advised the highway department and the NYS Department of Transportation about potholes on Brite Avenue and Weaver Street in need of repair March 9.

Patrol notified Con Edison about fallen secondary power lines on Old Lyme Road and taped off the area March 9.

Patrol directed traffic around a disabled car on Chase Road while another motorist attempted to help jump the car's engine March 9.

Patrol notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Oak Way, and they also placed caution tape on a wires on Brewster Road March 9.

Police asked car owners to move their cars from a fire lane on Weaver Street March 10.

Two cars sustained flat tires from a Weaver Street pothole March 10. Police notified the NYS DOT for repair and assisted the drivers in calling for tows. Cones and flares were placed in front of the pothole in order to alert motorists.

A plumber working in a Church Lane house said water was backing up into the house due to a blockage in the main sewer lane. Police notified the highway department March 10.

A Brookline Road resident complained that a truck driver drove over his lawn, dislodging cobblestones and leaving tire marks March 11. The driver of a car transporter admitted to causing the damage and said it was accidental. Patrol issued an accident report.

Patrol notified Con Edison about fluid leaking from a transformer on Sherbrooke Road March 11.The affected area was roped off.

Police placed temporary stop signs at the intersection of Walworth and Greenacres avenues due to a malfunctioning traffic light March 11. Notification was made to repair personnel.

Utility wires were on fire at Tunstall and Madison roads March 11. Firefighters and police stood by until Con Edison arrived.

Patrol initiated a traffic stop of a car operating with a suspended registration on Weaver Street March 5. Patrol removed the license plates from the car, and the driver arranged for the car to be towed to her place of work, where the car could be left in a private parking lot.

Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on White Road March 5, Carman, Carthage and Popham roads and Crest Lane March 7, Hillview Drive and Secor, Mamaroneck and Broadmoor roads March 8, and Heathcote Road and Hillview Drive March 9.

Village Code
A resident complained of noise from a generator being run overnight at a construction site on Cushman Road March 5. A summons had already been issued March 5, and an officer was scheduled to follow up with the building department.

Resident complained about private companies using power equipment to remove trees on Rural Drive at 8:30 a.m. and Colonial Road at 8:50 a.m., March 10. Police verbally warned the contractors, and work was stopped until 10 a.m.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 81 incidents in the village this week. He shared the narratives of some notable events, including a structure fire on Olmsted Road on March 11.

On March 5, firefighters responded to a report of a fallen electrical wire and a brush fire on Saxon Woods Road. They notified Con Edison and stood by to monitor the fire and avoid risks. Con Edison arrived and shut power to the affected line. Only then could firefighters work to extinguish the brush fire. They used a hose line and established a fire hydrant connection. After the blaze was extinguished, firefighters used hand tools to overhaul the scene. Con Edison remained to address issues with the fallen power line.

On March 6, a carbon monoxide monitor went off in a Sunset Drive house. On scene, firefighters found an improperly placed generator. The generator was venting its exhaust in the direction of an open basement window, which was causing carbon monoxide to enter the house. Firefighters used fans to ventilate the house and remove carbon monoxide. Firefighters instructed the resident on the proper way to operate generators. They assisted the residents in moving the generator to a patio where its exhaust was directed away from the house. Residents did not show any signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

On March 7, a Brookby Road house was affected by carbon monoxide due to a generator operating in close proximity to a built-in garage door. Carbon monoxide alarms went off, and firefighters addressed the situation by using positive pressure ventilation. They assisted the homeowner in moving the generator a safe distance from the house.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 5-11 has been compiled from official information.

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