Hate Mail, Broken Glass, and Noise from the Police
- Tuesday, 22 June 2010 14:19
- Last Updated: Thursday, 10 March 2011 19:31
- Published: Tuesday, 22 June 2010 14:19
- Hits: 6537
Scarsdale Police Report: Anti-Semitic Missive: Ellen Plum Rosenberg, the President of Scarsdale Synagogue Tremont Temple Emanuel received a 10 page anti-Semitic letter. The letter included handwritten content, copies of articles dating back to 2005 and Biblical verses. Some of the text was unintelligible. The letter contained no threats to the recipient, her family or the temple but contained very strong anti-Semitic opinions. There was no return on the envelope but there was a PO Box number written on page 2. Four other people in Scarsdale have received similar letters and the police are taking the matter very seriously. They are conducting an investigation and have contacted the Westchester County District Attorney’s Bias Unit.
Loud Crash: South Church Lane residents were awoken by a loud crash at 4:30 am on June 17. They found that their front glass storm door was shattered. They did not know who or what was responsible and nothing appeared to have been thrown through the glass.
Egged: Eggs were thrown at a Penn Boulevard home around midnight on 6/19. Though there was no damage, one of the eggs went through the screen and dripped into the interior of the house.
Stolen Bike: A bike belonging to a Fox Meadow woman was stolen while parked and locked on East Parkway. The black Raleigh bike was left in town on June 11, and when the owner returned on June 13 she found that her lock had been cut in half and the bike was gone.
Identity Theft: On 6/17 a Barry Road man reported unauthorized use of his Mastercard for $440 in purchases at Henry’s Wines in Jamaica, Queens, and $160 at Stop and Shop. The man believed that someone working at a gas station might have taken his Mastercard number when he used it to pay for an oil change. He cancelled the credit card.
Found: A Garth Road man’s wallet was found at the Scarsdale Middle School and turned into police on 6/17. A pair of black prescription Ray-Ban sunglasses were found at the intersection of Tompkins and Butler Roads on June 15 and turned into the police.
Garbage: A man was reported to be sifting through the garbage at Scarsdale Village Hall on June 14. The man, who was wearing a Carrier Corporation uniform was looking through empty billing envelopes. Shortly after he was observed he left the loading dock.
Lawn bags were moved into the middle of Oak and Kensington Road at 11:45 on the night of 6/19. Police moved the bags out of the street.
The nanny for two Post Road children stopped a Foxhall Road resident to ask for $10.00 for train fare on June 14. She said that her son was in an accident in Poughkeepsie. One of the children she cares for was in the back seat of the gray SUV she was driving. The Foxhall Road woman called the police who went to the Post Road home to investigate and found that the nanny was employed there. The children were fine. Police went back to the home later that night to speak with the children’s parents and explain the incident.
A Scarsdale woman called police at 8 pm on June 14 to report that she just witnessed a drug deal in Davis Park. Police found two men seated on a bench in the park smoking and talking. They did not see any evidence of criminal activity.
Police were called to a Park Road home at 11:40 pm on 6/19 to help the housekeeper clear the house of unwanted kids who had stopped by while on a scavenger hunt.
A truck was draining fluid into a catch basin at Garth Road and Freightway on June 15 at 7:20 am. Police arrived and found Dean Mucklebust of Earth Repair draining fire hydrant water from his truck into a village sewer. He was told that he needed a permit to use village hydrants and sewers and was given a warning by the Village Highway Department.
A disoriented Bell Road resident who suffers from dementia needed assistance on June 16 at 8:30 am. Police helped the woman’s caretaker to take the woman home.
George Betterton of Mount Vernon got impatient waiting for a Post Road bus to bring him home and decided to hitchhike instead. Police observed him and gave Betterton a summons for hitchhiking on the afternoon of June 16.
A 10 year-old Elm Road boy called the police on the afternoon of 6/18 when he returned home from school and found the house empty. Police attempted to contact friends and relatives but could not reach anyone. While they were making calls the boy’s mother returned.
Noise: Police received several reports of loud music coming from Fenway Golf Club on Friday night June 18th. When they went to investigate at 11 pm, the music did not seem to be too loud and were assured that the festivities were over.
Richbell Road neighbors continued to spar on 6/14 about loud music that one plays when she is outside painting and swimming. In response the woman agreed to lower the volume.
Police received a report of a loud party at Lebanon Road shortly after midnight on 6/18. The homeowner said she was having a party for her 23-year-old daughter’s birthday and had the group move inside to reduce the noise.
At 9 pm on Saturday night June 19 a large group of noisy kids were gathered on Bell Road. When police arrived, they left the area.
There was another loud party on Wayside Lane. The residents agreed to turn down the music went police went by at 10:40 pm on 6/19.
On Saturday night 6/19 a Dobbs Terrace dog was barking continuously. The barking was disturbing neighbors who called police to mediate. They could not locate the dog’s owner. While they were there, the dog’s owner returned and she was given a summons for unnecessary noise.
Greenburgh Police Report: Thefts: A Bronx woman was arrested for stealing merchandise from Rojay Party Store on June 14th. The 28 year-old woman was observed concealing merchandise in her purse by a store employee. She left the store without paying for the goods and the store manager stopped her at the exit where she demanded that the woman hand over the stolen items. The suspect gave the bag with the merchandise to the manager and left the store and attempted unsuccessfully to get into several cars. She then started to walk south on Central Avenue. Store personnel called the Greenburgh Police who found a woman fitting the description driving a Nissan Maxima on Central Avenue. When she saw the police, she tried to turn down a one-way street where police stopped her. The store manager gave a positive id and she was brought to police headquarters where she was booked, processed and released on bail. Her car was towed and impounded.
An employee of Best Buy, Anton Foster of the Bronx, used a Scarsdale man’s credit card number to purchase a 46 inch Samsung television, valued at $1,342.18 on 6/17. Another employee saw Foster put the stolen TV in his sister’s car. The store manager confronted Foster a few days later, and Foster admitted that he stole the television. He was placed under arrest and taken to the Greenburgh Police where he was booked, processed and released.
Jonathan Kho, age 17, of Westminster Road, Scarsdale had his skateboard stolen when he left it outside a Central Avenue store on 6/20. He went inside to make some purchases and when he came out he saw a black male pick up his skateboard, get into a car and drive down Central Avenue.
Car Break-ins: A purse was stolen from a 2001 Toyota Highlander parked in a Central Avenue parking lot on the evening of 6/15. The owner of the car left her purse in the vehicle while she went to the gym. When she returned to the car an hour later she found the passenger side window of the car had been broken. Missing was her purse, that contained credit cars, id cards and $290 in cash.
On Thursday 6/17 a 2010 Honda Civic parked at 825 South Central Avenue was vandalized. The driver’s side window was broken and the vandals stole the GPS device and it’s bracket from the car.
On the afternoon of June 17, the rear passenger window and the rear driver’s side window of a 1997 Subaru Impreza were shattered while it was parked on Central Park Avenue.