Thursday, Mar 20th

Storm Drains Marked by Volunteers

stormwater.jpgOn Saturday, October 30, 2010, members of the Eastchester/Scarsdale based Annie Sullivan Lions Club continued to assist the Village in implementing it’s Stormwater Management Program by continuing to mark catch basins, commonly known as storm drains, in the Village Center, Overhill, Drake Edgewood, Heathcote, and Arthur Manor neighborhoods.

Storm drains discharge directly into rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands and bays. This means that any debris, chemicals, dirt, and/or other pollutants that flow or are dumped into storm drains, flow untreated into the water bodies we use for swimming, fishing, and providing drinking water.

The group met at Village Hall at 8:30AM for coffee and refreshments. They then split into three groups and marked catch basins with circle markers, pictured below, until 1:30PM. The group marked an estimated 260 catch basins and plans to return to mark additional catch basins in the spring next year.nodumping

On July 24, 2010, the Annie Sullivan Lions Club marked an estimated 230 catch basins in the Greenacres and Fox Meadow neighborhoods. The Village thanks the Annie Sullivan Lions Club for their continued assistance with the Village’s Stormwater Management Program and New York State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin for her assistance in coordinating this activity.

For information about the Annie Sullivan Lions Club contact Joanne Pergolis at [email protected] and/or 914-282-3294.

If anyone is interested in volunteering to mark catch basins (storm drains) in the Village, contact John D. Goodwin in the Village Manager’s Office at [email protected] or 914-722-1110.

Pictured above from left to right: Annie Sullivan Lions Club members Joanne Pergolas, Margie D’Ambrosio (Pres.), Elaine Papa, and Vicki Fattorusso. Not Pictured: Lois Campbell and Peter Pergolis