Thursday, Mar 20th

Take the Plunge

swimcampIf your kids want to concentrate on swimming this summer, Westchester and Fairfield Swimming and Lifeguarding is the place to be. Kids from kindergarten through age 14 can attend the program by the week. The summer begins the week of June 27, and the first five weeks will be held at the Pace University Goldstein Recreation Center in Pleasantville. For weeks six and seven the program moves to the campus of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville. Camp meets from 9 am to 3 pm and extended care is available. Though the focus is on the water, other activities are also included in the daily schedule.

The camp is run by Kate Palladino, who is the Pace University Aquatics Director, an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Trainer, a Lifeguard Instructor Trainer and a United States Safety Diving Coach.

According to Ms. Palladino, the camp provides individual swim development and water safety for all levels and ages. Swimmers will be instructed in small groups of similar age, skill and experience. Lesson plans and progressions are formatted for optimum learning through the six American Red Cross Levels.

For the highest-level swimmers, they offer stroke clinic options, plus instruction in starts, turns and techniques to increase efficiency and speed. The goal is to refine the competitive strokes and improve cardiovascular endurance. The camp provides comprehensive preparation for summer swimming and is a great supplement for those who participate on summer swim teams.

The staff includes seasoned American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors and Lifeguards selected not only for their aquatic skills, but also their ability to be exceptional role models for campers. Safety is their first priority.

One camper who started coming when she was nineyears-old still talks about treading water for 20 minutes with her counselor to break the camp record. She is now a junior in high schools and swims competitively on her high school team!

The camp costs $395 per week and kids can sign up for as many weeks as they like. There is a discount for early sign-ups and the fee includes a free t-shirt. To learn more about the program, visit