Thursday, Mar 20th

Where Does Your Donation to the PBA Go?

scarsdalepbaWe received several inquiries about the Policemen’s Benevolent Association(PBA) from residents who were solicited for contributions by phone and via the mail. People wanted to know whether or not it was mandatory to give, and if they did make a donation where the funds would go. Since local taxes are high, others wondered why supplemental payments to the department were necessary.

We spoke to both Scarsdale Police Chief John Brogan and Sargeant Jose Santos, President of PBA of Scarsdale and here is what we learned. Both Chief Brogan and Officer Santos asked us to assure residents that donations are not compulsory and that whether or not you give, you’ll still receive the same treatment from the Scarsdale Police. And what about the stickers the PBA provides to donees? Will having one of those on your windshield cause the traffic officer to give you preferential treatment? Certainly not, according to Officer Santos.

The Scarsdale Police Department and the Scarsdale Police Benevolent Association are two separate entities. Money that is donated to the PBA does not go to the Scarsdale Police Department. The Scarsdale PBA is the official bargaining unit for Scarsdale Police Officers and the treasury of the PBA is controlled by elected union officials. That said, the PBA will donate items to SPD from time to time for equipment that would otherwise be funded with the taxpayers money, including bulletproof vests, gym equipment for the Public Safety Building, and furnishings in the Public Safety lobby.

When asked what donations are used for, Santos provided the following accounting:

  • Bullet-proof vests: these cost about $700 each and the paddles inside the vests need to be replaced every four years. The PBA purchases between four to seven new vests each year. Phone solicitors usually lead with the appeal for funds for bullet proof vests – however this appears to account for only a small portion of PBA expenses.
  • Retiree benefits: Since the Village retirement package for policeman does not provide for dental and vision care insurance, the PBA makes supplemental funds available to retired officers for dental and vision care.
  • Charity: The PBA gives generously to a variety of causes including “Navigating the Spectrum” for autistic children, The Hemophilia Association of New York, Toys for Tots and My Sister’s Place. In fact, over the last four years the PBA donated $150,000 to Navigating the Spectrum from funds donated by Scarsdale residents. In addition, the PBA supports Family Assistance Centers at Walter Reed Military Hospital and West Point Academy where injured veterans often stay for a year. The PBA purchases prepaid telephone calling cards to allow recovering soldiers to contact family and friends. They also purchase plane tickets so that families can visit the vets and supplied funds for needed equipment for the patients.

The PBA declined to provide an accounting of total revenues or expenses, but given the $150,000 donation one can surmise that revenues are substantial.

It is important to note that the telemarketing agency that calls on behalf of the PBA retains 50% of your donation, which Officer Santos assured us is standard for the industry. So, if you are giving to the PBA in the hope that your funds will go to one of the good causes they support, realize that at best 50% of what you spend will be delivered to these charitable organizations. Giving to the PBA who will in turn give to another charitable group is an indirect path to giving.

The Scarsdale PBA will hold their annual Golf Outing at Scarsdale Golf Club on Monday October 3rd. To learn more about the event and the association, click here: