Saturday, Mar 22nd

Strange Doings from the Greenburgh Police

greenburghtownhallFight Continued: Neighbors on Elizabeth Street continued to spar in a dispute centering on the location of the property line. This past week, on the morning of 9/19, one family put some chairs out in the driveway for pick-up by the sanitation department and the other party moved the chairs to another part of the driveway, claiming that the chairs were on his property. Police advised the neighbors to keep their distance from each other. On 9/22, the trouble continued when Michael Marom claimed that his “no parking” sign was missing and that his neighbor’s garbage cans were blocking his driveway.

Dealing: On 9/23, John Joseph Trace, age 46 of Sprain Valley Road was arrested for criminal possession of controlled substances with intent to sell after a search of his home revealed he had a large stash of pills in his home. He was booked and released on $1,000 cash bail.

Driving: At 6 pm on September 20, police stopped a 2004 Honda on Central Avenue because neither the driver nor the passenger were wearing seatbelts. A search of the driver’s license revealed that there were two active warrants for the man for selling a controlled substance and another warrant in Massachusetts for burglary. He was identified as Jose Santiago of Yonkers, and brought into headquarters and found to have a hypodermic needle. Since the Massachusetts authorities did not want to extradite him he was released.

A 77 year-old Hartsdale man drove his car into a tree and fence on Crosshill Road in Hartsdale at around 5 pm on 9/22. When police arrived they found the 1998 Subaru lying on its passenger side next to the tree. The fire department came and helped the man get out of the car and the car was removed by Glen’s Towing. The man’s daughter believes her dad put the car into drive rather than reverse.

Thefts: At the Hartsdale Gardens apartments on Central Avenue, a resident said he found a suspicious package that had no address on September 20. He took it inside, opened it and found that it contained 2 batteries and quart of motor oil. Thinking that the contents of the package were suspicious he called the police. But in a strange twist of events, police contacted the building super who told them that someone had been stealing packages and that he had put the unlabeled package in front of the mailboxes in an attempt to catch the thief. He suspects that he found the right guy!

The mother of an Edgemont High School student reported that her son’s headphones and $120 in cash were taken from his gym locker at the school on September 15th. The lock was picked and his possessions were stolen. She reported that this was not the first time lockers were vandalized.

A Yonkers woman reported that her credit cards had been stolen out of her pocketbook when she was shopping at Shop Rite on Central Avenue on Friday 9/23. She had left her bag in the shopping cart for a short time while she asked for help and when she turned around the cards were gone. By the time she returned home, her credit cards had already been used at Home Depot and at a gas station.

The store manager at Morton Williams in Hartsdale reported that two women stole 6 cans of Similac and fled the store on the night of 9/17. The manager provided a description of the women from the store video.

At Walgreens on 9/25 two women stole an unknown amount of merchandise, leaving the store without paying for the items they placed in a bag.

A therapist who works on Central Avenue reported that two computers were stolen from her office sometime between 9/16 and 9/21.

Fieldstone Drive residents were away from September 10 -17. When they returned they found that almost $3,000 in jewelry was missing and that someone had tampered with their front door.

Parents MIA: An Edgemont High School student called police at 9 pm on Wednesday 9/21 when her father failed to pick her up from school. Her mother was away on business and her father had no cell phone and could not be reached. Police drove the girl home, called Child Protective Services and instructed the girl to call police if her Dad did not return. He came back five minutes later.

Identity Theft: On 9/22 a 75 year-old East Hartsdale Avenue man reported that someone had placed fraudulent ads in his name in several newspapers. The ads offered a motorcycle for sale. Though he was not charged, the ads gave his name and address.

Say What? The mother of a 10 year-old girl who lives on Clubway in Hartsdale reported that on 9/23 her daughter got a suspicious phone call from a woman who claimed to know her from sleep away camp. She asked for the girl’s email address and when the girl asked if she really went to the camp, the woman hung up.

On Monday morning 9/19 a 20 year-old Old Army Road woman reported that a man approached her at the bus stop on Central Avenue and asked her for money. After she responded that she did not have any, he walked away, but then returned, blew her a kiss, licked his lips and got onto a northbound bus.

Police were called to assist at a Cherry Lane home in Scarsdale on the night of 9/23 where an 89 year-old woman had locked herself inside her bedroom and did not respond to knocks on the door. The home health aid could not hear the woman or get her to open the door. Police pushed in the door, damaging the lock, and found the woman asleep in bed.