High School Students Invited to Enter Essay Contest
- Sunday, 19 October 2014 18:40
- Last Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2014 18:44
- Published: Sunday, 19 October 2014 18:40
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3816
The Scarsdale Republican Town Committee has launched its first-ever essay contest, called "Engaging U.S. History: Scarsdale Student Essay Contest". In Scarsdale, high school students study U.S. History during their junior year, and the contest is intended to promote a deeper engagement in an important issue or recurring theme in our nation's history. The SRTC will award a substantial prize to each of the three winners: The John Jay Prize in U.S. History, $500; The Major William Popham Prize in U.S. History, $250; The Emily Ogden Butler Prize in U.S. History, $100. The contest is open to all high school juniors residing in Scarsdale, whether they attend public or private school.
The Essay Topic requires contestants to discuss the Founders' conception of federalism, and then to relate that conception to two or more events in the 1787-1850 period and to a contemporary issue, such as education or same-sex marriage. All essays must be post marked no later than November 24, 2014. James Burkee, an historian at Concordia College, will judge the essays, and the prizes will be awarded at a public ceremony, the date for which will be determined soon.
Linda Killian, Chairwoman of the SRTC, said, "The framers of our Constitution debated many key issues regarding the structure of our government that are still being argued today. We believe the "Engaging U.S. History" essay contest will help focus attention on some of these issues, engage students more deeply in them, and provide a meaningful incentive to participate."
Details about the contest and a required Application Form can be downloaded at: www.scarsdalegop.org.