Locals Prepare for Winter Storm Juno
- Monday, 26 January 2015 15:09
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 27 January 2015 07:50
- Published: Monday, 26 January 2015 15:09
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 6574
Will Winter Storm Juno really dump over two feet of snow on Scarsdale? Though no one can predict the whims of Mother Nature, Scarsdale is preparing for a big one. At 8 am this morning there were already long lines at DeCiccos where the meat and fish counters were virtually empty. Fortunately there did seem to be enough milk, bread and staples to tide everyone over for a few days. The crowd was intent but polite.
Wary after the eleven-day power outage during Hurricane Sandy, some have purchased home generators while others are counting on their neighbors or the glow from the fireplace to keep them warm should the power go out again.
Please stay in touch with Scarsdale10583 during the storm and we will do our best to keep you informed. Send information, comments and photos to [email protected] and we will share them with the community.
Here's the latest information from the Village, the schools and other local organizations:
Today, Monday January 26, schools closed early as heavy snow was predicted for the afternoon. The Board of Education meeting that was scheduled for Monday night was cancelled. School will also be closed on Tuesday.
Scarsdale Village:
The Village of Scarsdale, who is responsible for public safety is poised to confront whatever comes our way. A state of emergency has been declared as of 9 pm Monday night and all cars will need to be off the streets during this state of emergency to accommodate the snowplows.
The Village will open an emergency operations center at 6 PM on Monday. See below for information how to contact them should the need arise.
Garbage pick up scheduled for Tuesday January 27 will be done on Wednesday and all garbage must be placed at the curb.
The Village meetings at Village Hall scheduled for Monday night have been cancelled and the Village Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been re-planned for Thursday morning.
Greenburgh has also declared a state of emergency and asked residents to keep cars off the street to facilitate plowing. An Emergency Operations Center will be opened at Greenburgh Police headquarters at 5 pm tonight. See full details from Supervisor Paul Feiner below:
Here are a few notifications from other organizations around town:
Scarsdale Adult School:
The Scarsdale Adult School classes scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, have been cancelled. Information about make-ups will be provided to registered students once arrangements have been made.
The JCC of Mid Westchester:
The JCC of Mid-Westchester will close at 5 PM on Monday night and remain closed all day on Tuesday January 27th. All classes for adults and children are cancelled and the Arts & Talks session with Professor Ralph Buultjens has been rescheduled for Friday, February 6, 2015, 11:00AM - 1:00PM.
From Scarsdale Mayor Bob Steves:
Scarsdale Village Mayor Bob Steves has issued the following message regarding the upcoming winter storm. Due to the major area snow storm event, I have declared a state of emergency beginning at 9PM, tonight, January 26, 2015. Accordingly for the safety of residents and to facilitate the snow removal operations, all vehicular traffic and parking is prohibited on any street within the Village of Scarsdale. To assist residents in this regard, the Freightway Parking Garage is available for parking while the State of Emergency remains in effect. This State of Emergency will continue until such time is rescined when further public notice will be provided.
The Village will open its Emergency Operations Center at 6PM today. Any storm related calls should be placed to the Center at (914) 722-1150. All Police and Fire Emergency calls should continue to be placed using the 911 emergency call system. To report electrical power outages, please call Consolidated Edison directly at 1-800-752-6633 or visit www.coned.com. This website also provides up-to-date mapping of outage locations.
In addition, garbage collections scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 27, 2015 have been suspended. Collection of this garbage will be completed Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Due to the anticipated snow accumulations and resulting inability of Sanitation personnel to access rear yards, this garbage MUST be placed at the curb for collection. Collection of newspaper and commingled recyclables scheduled for Wednesday, January 28, 2015 is also cancelled until the next scheduled date.
Please be further advised that all meetings scheduled at Village Hall for tonight, Monday, January 26, 2015, have been cancelled. The Village Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 8PM, will proceed as scheduled, however with a limited agenda. The meeting will be recessed to Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 8PM to consider the balance of the agenda.
The Village will provide periodic updates as needed. You may also access Scarsdale's website at www.scarsdale.com and our cable access Channels 75 (Cablevision) and 42 (Verizon) Thank you for your cooperation.
I also ask that all residents be mindful of any neighbors that may need special assistance during this storm.
From Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner:
We have declared a State of Emergency in the Town of Greenburgh ahead of the blizzard.
We are expecting blizzard like conditions and all cars should be off Town roads by 9:00pm.
Residents are reminded to keep all vehicles off town roadways for the duration of the storm. If town roads are not passable by Town emergency vehicles / snow plows due to parked cars, cars will be towed.
Snow is expected to continue until tomorrow afternoon with updated totals of 15" to 24" by Tuesday afternoon.
Heavy winds are expected to begin at 8:00am Tuesday morning and continue until 8:00pm Tuesday evening.
The Greenburgh Emergency Operations Center will be open at Greenburgh Police Headquarters starting at 5:00pm today and will remain open as long as needed.
All Town programs and events should be cancelled for Monday afternoon and all day and evening Tuesday.
Tuesday garbage collection is cancelled and re-scheduled for Wednesday.
Wednesday recycling collection is cancelled.
Hartsdale Parking Authority has advised that commuters are required to remove their vehicles from the Parking Authority property by 7:00pm this evening. Site A overnight permit holders may leave their cars in Site A without feeding meters on Tuesday, January 27 and Wednesday, January 28.
The Town has offered free parking in the parking lot of Webb Field on Central Avenue.
The Theodore D. Young Community Center will be the Town Emergency Shelter if needed. If there are power outages...
Governor Cuomo has declared a New York State of Emergency.
The Greenburgh Parks Department (nutrition program) is providing elderly members of the community who receive meals as part of our meals and wheels program with extra food in the event we can't get to their homes during the storm.