Friday, Mar 21st

Community Center Board Offers Refunds

indoorpoolThe Executive Committee for the Scarsdale Community Center is offering refunds to those who donated toward the effort. Here's how to secure yours:

August 5, 2015
Dear SCC Member,

We have not written to you for some time anticipating that we could report progress on our effort to raise funds for the construction of the Scarsdale Community Center. Unfortunately, our fund raising effort started at the time of the recession and it was very hard to gain any traction.

To date, we have shown community support by reaching our goal in membership deposits from charter members, produced a site feasibility study, agreed upon a particular site (adjacent to the outdoor pool) and prepared preliminary architectural plans and a construction cost estimate for the proposed facility at that site.

We continue to believe that there is a need and support for a community center in Scarsdale. But, in order to move forward, we need new volunteers to help with a significant fundraising effort. If you are interested in participating, you should contact us at

In the interim, the executive committee has decided that it is best to refund your money at this time. If you have moved since you sent us your deposit, please let us know your new address so we can successfully return your deposit. Please email your new address.

Everyone who has made a deposit will receive their money back – except for those who gave consent for their funds to be used for operational expenses and/or design studies. We have routinely provided refunds for everyone who has requested his or her deposit back. There are occasions when the refund took some time. We are all volunteers in this organization and we ask for your patience in this effort.

The purpose of collecting your deposits was to prove community support for SCC. We have done this. Should we succeed in raising sufficient capital funds, we will contact all of you again and allow you to re-submit your deposit and continue as a charter member of the SCC.

We want to thank you for your support over the years. We also want to thank the many volunteers who have worked so hard to try to make the SCC a reality. In particular, we are indebted to Robert Macy, Neil Bicknell, Robert November and Edward Morgan, who have chaired our efforts. Their time commitments were enormous and done quietly without seeking personal recognition.

We hope to hear from you soon if you want to volunteer for the fund raising phase of this project or if you have moved. Again, thanks for your support while we pursued this wonderful goal of a Scarsdale Community Center.

The Executive Committee of the Scarsdale Community Center