Thursday, Mar 20th

3-on-3 Adult Basketball Tournament Raises Over $45K

TournamentChampions1Backyards Sports Cares held its Fourth Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament fundraiser on the campus of Iona Preparatory School in New Rochelle, NY this past Saturday, April 16th.

More than $45,000 was raised at the tournament, which attracted hundreds of basketball enthusiasts, devotees and fans. The proceeds from the event will support BYSC's successful sports programs serving kids from under-served communities and those with special needs.

In a day complimented by great food and lots of fun, NCAA champion and collegiate basketball coach Dereck Whittenburg was on hand taking part in photographs, signing autographs and serving up sagely advice to the players. All the same time, the Westchester Knicks City Dancers took everyone through their latest dance moves while the day was highlighted by an "All Star Game" in which special needs children participated. The Star Kidz, All Starz! inspired the crowd with its rousing rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner."

Backyard Sports Cares founder and Executive Director, Danny Bernstein, stressed how the funds raised by the tournament are used to directly fund programs to help children. "The monies raised will enable young athletes to participate in a number of programs, including 'Friday Night Tennis,' a weekend summer camp for kids from Mount Vernon as well as covering travel fees for children who otherwise would never be able to participate in a Travel Soccer program," Bernstein said. "It has just been a truly great day."

Adult Basketball Tournament Champions and Trophy winners:
Open - most competitive: BYS Team 1
35 years+ - Barron's Ballers
Adult Recreation: White Plains Finest
High School – grade 9 –12: Pelham TeamWestchesterKnicksCityDancersStarKidzAllStarzTroup