Thursday, Mar 20th

The History of Arthur Manor and How It Sparked Scarsdale's Suburban Transformation

arthurmanorfirehouseA two-part interactive course and walking tour called "The History of Arthur Manor and How It Sparked Scarsdale's Suburban Transformation," will be presented by Jordan Copeland through the Scarsdale Adult School on Thursday, May 16 at 7pm and Saturday, May 18 at 10am. Through an investigation of old photographs, maps, articles, and the physical legacy of long-ago events, we will examine the early twentieth century creation and growth of Arthur Manor and Edgewood. You will learn how the Arthur Manor development initiated the transformation of Scarsdale from a rural area of farms and estates to the modern suburban community it is today.

Sign up at the Scarsdale Adult School to reserve your spot. Learners can register for either the walk or the tour, but will get the most out of doing both. Sign up here.