Residents Weigh In On What They Would Like to See at the Scarsdale Pool Complex
- Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:17
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:17
- Published: Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:17
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1515
What features would you like to see at a renovated Scarsdale Pool? A lazy river? A water slide? Water polo, expanded dining options? These are just a few of the possibilities under consideration by the Village as they explore the scope of a renovation of the Scarsdale Pool Complex. On Friday June 3 and Saturday June 4 and Saturday the consultants engaged with the public at the Scarsdale Pool and at the Music Festival. Participants were given stickers to mount on poster boards displaying many features to indicate their preferences.
The Village has also posted an online survey here that they encourage residents to complete.
Here is an update on the public engagement efforts for the Scarsdale Pool Complex project from Assistant Village Manager Alexander Marshall:
So far, the Village has received over 600 responses to the statistically-valid mailed survey, and nearly 800 online survey responses. We are hopeful that we will gain even more responses over the next week and a half before the online survey closes on June 17th. Upon closing of the survey, the consultants will begin synthesizing the results into a report for the first week of July. People can access the online survey using the following link:
I also wanted to make you aware of the outcome of the recently held public engagement sessions regarding the Pool Complex Study on June 3rd and 4th. The consultants indicated that the general reaction to the community engagement sessions were very positive. Children and adults alike seemed to enjoy the dot voting activity and appreciated the opportunity to discuss the pool with the consultants firsthand. Here are some quick stats about the attendance at each session:
Friday June 3rd from 3-6PM at the Pool Complex: 50-60 direct engagements
Saturday June 4th from 9AM-noon at the Pool Complex: 50+ direct engagements
Saturday June 4th at the Scarsdale Music Festival: 200+ engagements
Based on conversations with participants, it is expected that at least 80% of the engagements were with Scarsdale residents. These engagements typically consisted of a quick summary of the pool study, promotion of the online survey, and instruction or guidance through the dot voting activity. In many cases, the conversations went further into Q&A, drivers of trends, suitability of various amenities, financial implications, and so forth.