Thursday, Feb 06th

Why NYS Assembly Member Amy Paulin Thinks She Has the Best Job in the World


Though many of us have encountered Amy Paulin in Scarsdale, some might not realize the breadth of work she does on behalf of other Villages in the district and state residents at large.

See what she is working on now, how she came to work in state government and what she enjoys doing in the little free time she has.

Here's more on Amy!

What district do you represent?

I represent the 88th Assembly District, encompassing Scarsdale, Edgemont, Eastchester, Bronxville, Tuckahoe, Pelham, Pelham Manor, and parts of New Rochelle and White Plains in Westchester.

What do you like the most about your district?

All of the communities in my district are unique, and yet very similar. They all have great schools, beautiful parks and fantastic recreation. Most residents move to the area because of their children. What is also special is the tremendous community spirit. There are so many organizations designed to help in every way, from creating after school child care to establishing food scrap programs. I love that spirit and love that the people I represent have that spirit. They are incredibly active in their community and involved in every aspect of the decision-making process.

What was your profession before becoming a legislator?

Immediately before becoming a legislator, I ran an agency that combated domestic violence to support women who were victims of domestic violence. I was very active in that sphere. I was also very involved in my community. I served on the Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees, was a founder and chairwoman of the Westchester Women’s Agenda, and served as the President of the Westchester League of Women Voters, to name a few.

What inspired you to run for office?

I have been active in politics since I was 12 years old, and I always wanted to participate in the community I live in. I was a President of my high school and on the Senate in college. I even ran in junior high but lost that election. I guess it was natural for me to stay involved in politics and the community. Running for the Assembly was an extension of that desire to be part of the community.

Do you have any favorite music genres?

Recently, my favorite is country.

What about sports? Do you have a favorite sports team?

Total baseball fanatic. My favorite team is the Mets.

What is your favorite food to eat?

Pasta, definitely pasta. Pasta and ice cream.

If you have any free time, what do you like to do?

Dancing. Ballet is my latest. But I’ve done a lot of ballroom as well. I also love to swim whenever I can.

What is your proudest legislative achievement?

Eliminating the statute of limitation on rape is one of my proudest. I’d led the move to repeal the “Walking While Trans” law, another achievement. Allowing surrogacy in New York State is also dear to me, as well as the bill allowing optometrists to practice better in the state. Lastly, I’m very proud of the bills that I led to combat human trafficking in the state, from increasing penalties for perpetrators of human trafficking to many bills that support and uplift victims. Those bills are important to me, and I’m very proud of those bills becoming law. I guess the bills that I’m most proud of are the ones that took me the longest, they were the hardest to pass, and they have the most impact on people.

As the Assembly Chair of Health, what issues do you see arising this year?

The workforce shortage is so critical right now. It’s critical nationally and in New York. We’re feeling it very powerfully. And it’s a real problem for hospitals, nursing homes, and people because of access and affordability issues. Another issue is the financial distress the hospitals are in, partly created by the workforce shortage but also because of the low Medicaid rates coupled with coming out of Covid and suffering in many different ways. So, the financial distress of the hospitals and nursing homes workforce shortage.

What are the top priorities in your district?

Currently, we’re working on making sure that the Lake Isle Dam is secure so it doesn’t burst and injure folks. That’s a really important initiative in my district. I’m also still working on SALT, believe it or not. With my leadership, one of the villages in my district sued to protect SALT, and that litigation is still pending even after all of these years. So I’m very proud that I’ve initiated and participated in it, and we’re waiting for the court to rule. So, hopefully, we will get a victory.

What advice would you give young folks wanting to get into politics?

Follow your dreams. Don’t get stuck at a young age and do something that you don’t like doing. If you like what you’re doing, your life is much happier. And there’s always something, a new chance to have that if you don’t get stuck. Follow your heart, and it’s guaranteed that you will be happy with whatever you are doing.

Any last comment?

I have the best job in the world. I’m so happy doing this, even after all these years. It’s diverse every year because I get to work on all these new topics and learn about them. Even though every year is knowing how to legislate bills effectively, what’s unique and different every year is the bills we choose to work on. Those issues are all interesting to me, and I feel like I’ve had such a wonderful opportunity in my life to do that. So, I would love to thank my constituents for trusting me to represent them.