Arest, Goldschmidt, Gruenberg and Kofman Elected to Lead Scarsdale
- Wednesday, 19 March 2025 09:44
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 19 March 2025 10:07
- Published: Wednesday, 19 March 2025 09:44
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 176
Newly elected team cuts the cake.Friends, family and supporters gathered at the Scarsdale Library at 9 pm on Tuesday March 18, 2025 after the closing of the polls for the Village Election. They waited patiently in the lobby for the vote count that was being tabulated by Village Clerk Taylor Emmanuel and Deputy Village Clerk Melissa Vasami behind closed doors in the Scott Room.
Congressman George Latimer stopped by to greet the team.
There was no suspense about who would win, since the candidates for Mayor and Village Trustees were selected by the Citizens Nominating Committee and ran unopposed this year. For the first time, Mayor Justin Arest was nominated for a second term, along with trustees Dara Gruenbergy (second term), and newcomers David Goldschmidt and Jason Kofman. Members of the Citizens’ Nominating Committee and longtime backers of Scarsdale’s Non-Partisan Process attended to show their support for Scarsdale and the candidates.
While they waited many conferred with Congressman George Latimer who stopped by and provided an update on the state of affairs in Washington D.C.. He reported that there considerably more discord in the Capitol than there in the ‘Dale.Daniela Retelny and Alli Doll, members of the Citizens' Nominating CommitteeEmmanuel emerged from the Scott Room around 9:30 and announced the following vote counts:
For Village Trustee:
David Goldschmidt 278
Dara Gruenberg 288
Jason Kofman 290
For Village Mayor:
Justin Arest 280 votes
Following the election, the newly elected candidates sent the following letter to the community:
Dear Scarsdale Community,
We are profoundly grateful and honored by the trust you have placed in us through the recent election. Your support has empowered us to serve our cherished village. Our commitment to Scarsdale’s values and future remains steadfast. We are dedicated to fostering a community that upholds transparency, inclusivity, and progress. Together, we will work diligently to address the needs and aspirations of all residents.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to every voter who participated in this democratic process. Your engagement is the cornerstone of our community’s strength. We also acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of all candidates and volunteers who contributed their time and energy to this election.
As we embark on this journey, we invite you to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with any of us. Let us all collaborate to ensure that Scarsdale continues to thrive as a vibrant, enriching and welcoming place for all.
With sincere gratitude,
Justin Arest, David Goldschmidt, Dara Gruenberg, and Jason Kofman
Former Mayor Jon Mark and BK Munguia provided the cake!