Chatty Ladies
- Monday, 23 January 2012 15:37
- Last Updated: Monday, 23 January 2012 15:53
- Published: Monday, 23 January 2012 15:37
- Hits: 6715
As a stay-at-home-Mom, my job never truly ends. However, there are certain luxuries that I do get to enjoy. One such treat being the time honored tradition of “doing lunch.” And, last week that’s exactly what I did, when I met my friend, Lisa, at Scarsdale’s very own Chat American Grill. I’m just crazy for their carrot ginger soup and tuna tartar. So good.
And, of course, I couldn’t wait for some good ole’ girl chat. We could barely finish our food through our non-stop stream of scintillating conversation.
We covered everything from travelling with our kids to our fashion likes, and to how our own Mother’s have provided us with a lifetime of psychoanalytical fodder. Of course, we spent an ample amount of time on one of my favorite topics, sex. (If you’ve been following my blog, , then this should come as no surprise to you.)
So, as you can imagine, we were totally engrossed in our own little “chat” world. We didn’t even notice the other patrons around us, as we were having so much fun. Until, I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder and a more mature voice forcing me to turn around.
I came face to face with a sweet looking older woman, sporting dark sunglasses and a pair of outrageous red plastic lips. What the…? She immediately leaned in, and asked, “How do you like my Angelina Jolie lips?”
“They’re fabulous,” I answered, with not such a straight face. I mean, look at her.
I then turned back to “Jolie Lips” and half-jokingly asked her, “Exactly how much have you ladies had to drink today?”
Well, that cemented our friendship. After a raucous outpouring of laughter, Ella (aka “Jolie Lips) and her friends sincerely declared, “Not a drop. We’re always like this. We like to have fun.” I could relate.
Lisa and I started chatting up Ella and the other ladies. They were there to celebrate Tina’s 82nd birthday.
Ella, Tina and Grace moved into the same building, in the Bronx, some 48 years ago, and have remained close friends ever since. They were young wives and mothers when they began their life-long friendship.
Almost fifty years of loyal loving sisterly friendship. Wow. Now, that is something to aspire to.
And, it immediately got me thinking about all the friendships that I’ve made since moving to Scarsdale, nine years ago. Myself, a young wife and mother. There’s something about sharing this period of your life with other women that creates unbreakable bonds.
So, even though our beloved town is a lot larger than one single building in the Bronx, it offers the same promise of unwavering friendship. And, I look forward to the day, when I can look back on friendships that span close to fifty years of sisterhood. But, first I’m going to enjoy turning 40!
(Pictured at top -- That’s Ella (age 79 years) modeling her “Angelina Jolie” faux lips. The birthday girl, Tina (age 82 years) is to my left, and Grace (age 77 years) stands to the right. And, that’s me, peeking through, in my “Where’s Waldo” position.)
Contributor Sharon Lippmann, writes about her "so called suburban life," as a proud resident of Scarsdale, NY. She is a writer, blogger, mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and one sassy chick. She loves exploring the interesting, strange, perplexing, vexing, ridiculous and funny that life offers up frequently. Enjoying more of what she has to say about nothing, and, well, everything at .