Thursday, Mar 20th

Storyteller Sandi Marx in the Spotlight

sandimarxAfter 20 years supporting other actors, talent agent Sandi Marx has finally taken center stage. The former Scarsdale resident and mother of three had to delay her dream to perform while she supported her family by forming a talent agency where she worked with her partners for years.

Now that two of her three children are out on their own, she has turned her energies to writing and the art of storytelling and has quickly scored some impressive successes.

Using funny tidbits and anecdotes from her years at the agency she has written some entertaining material and tested it out in front of live audiences. Marx says, "I love the challenge of throwing myself out there in in a room full of fairly judgmental and intelligent listeners and trying to connect in a personal way. Learning how to a hone my skills in the Art of Storytelling has been a challenge and pure joy. Since I have always enjoyed gabbing at parties this seems like an natural progression."

To prepare, Marx has studied with a few coaches and most recently has been working at a school called People's Improv Theatre (PIT) on her "storytelling or "spoken word" skills.

She recently entered a contest on the Moth who holds story slam events at venues around the country. Some of the stories are showcased on NPR. At the Moth event in Los marx2Angeles, Marx was randomly selected to perform and came out first among the ten performers that night. She has been invited to perform in the Grand Slam Moth Championship at the end of January where she will compete against the last 10 Moth winners.

Her winning story, which can be viewed on YouTube, recounts her sweet revenge on a childhood bully, decades after the girl terrorized Marx in sixth grade. In the performance she has changed the bully's name as not repeat more "mean girl" behavior.

Marx plans to continue to write and perform new stores and ultimately hopes to write a compilation of her tales. Watch her winning performance here and wish her luck at the Grand Slam in Los Angeles.