Thursday, Mar 20th

Varsity Girls Softball Team Tops Ursuline 4-3

softball2The Scarsdale High School Varsity Girls Softball team beat out Ursuline in a very close game at Supply Field on Monday May 19. The final score was 4 ­ 3.

The game was ultimately a win on the part of numerous members of the team. Senior Dana Goldstein went 2 ­ 3 with a homerun in the fourth inning and a single in the fifth inning. Over the course of seven innings, Ursuline only managed to hit three balls pitched by freshman Lauren Wolfe who let up only run during the entire game and had no strikeouts.

By the bottom of the second, the Scarsdale Raiders had scored the early lead with 1 ­ 0. Junior Chrissy Gobes kept the game going with a double.softball3

By the fifth inning, the varsity girls were up 3 ­ 0. Suddenly Ursuline scored once in the top of the fifth and then scored two more runs. The pressure was high, but the girls powered through and scored in the bottom of the fifth to be up 4 ­3. This score continued for the duration of the game, and the girls are extremely satisfied with their win.

The girls' record this year is 11 ­ 9 so far with the majority of their losses only lost by one run. Knowing that Ursuline's softball team is usually a very hard team to beat made the win today all the more was satisfying.

"It was a great win for us as it was our last home game during which we honored our seniors. Our goal this season was to have a home sectional game and we will find out our seed on Tuesday," said Captain Taylor Mancini, a junior. "This is my third year on the team and it is very exciting to be sitting in a position that we can have our first home sectional game. We have not had this in recent history."

softball5The Varsity Girls Softball sectional game is at 4:30 on Thursday 5-22 at John Jay East Fishkill. If they win their sectional game, they will move on to play bigger games but if they lose they will be done for the season.

In other Scarsdale High School sports news, the Raiders Varsity Baseball team played against Horace Greeley Monday and unfortunately lost, but the loss did not bring their spirits down too much. At their May 12 game, the boys were victorious against Environmental High School with a final score of 10 ­ 1.