Thursday, Mar 20th

Dr. Nicole Conkling Weds Dr. Eric Daniel Wang

NicoleConklingDr. Nicole Conkling, daughter of Scarsdale Village Clerk Donna Conkling and Thomas P. Conkling, was married to Dr. Eric Daniel Wang at the Church of St. Augustine in Ossining on Sunday May 24, 2015. Dr. Wang is a son of Dr. Neng Eva Wu of Vestal, N.Y., and Dr. Hong Wang of DeWitt, N.Y.

The bride and groom, both 28, met at Stony Brook University, from which each received medical degrees. They both are residents in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center; Dr. Conkling is in her second year and Dr. Wang is in his third.

The wedding reception was held at The Castle in Tarrytown and the cake was provided by Lulu Cake Boutique in Scarsdale.

An Ossining native, Nicole worked for the Scarsdale summer camp for two summers in high school, where she met Jennifer Buckmeyer, a Scarsdale resident who was her maid of honor at the wedding. Nicole interned at the Public Safety Building for two summers during her undergrad years, and also worked in the Scarsdale Building Department for a year before she started medical school. She also taught Stanley Kaplan classes, worked with hospice and was a member of the Taconic Opera.

The bride will continue to use her name professionally. She graduated summa cum laude from Washington and Lee University. Her father is a program manager for energy service for Public Service Electric and Gas Company in Newark, where he oversees energy efficiency.

The groom graduated from Cornell. His parents are professors of electrical engineering, his mother at Binghamton University and his father at Syracuse.

Photo credit: Frank Farina